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Shadow panda shrimp not eating


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I recently moved my shadow panda shrimp from a 1 gallon tank to a 5 gallon. I’ve had them for awhile in the 1 gallon, and noticed they never really ate any of the shrimp food I put in there. They seemed to just eat the biofilm, algae, and Indian almond leaves I’d put in. I didn’t have the water parameters exactly right until I moved to the 5 gallon. But I’m still noticing they don’t eat any shrimp food I put in. Any ideas why?

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How many shrimp? I’ve seen it said that if you have good biofilm you don’t really need to feed until you’re up over 100 shrimp in a 10 ish gallon tank. If the shrimp are doing well overall I wouldn’t worry about it too much. Shadow pandas are super neat. Hoping to jump into the soft water caridina shrimp sometime soon and eventually work my way up to the really cool ones like that. 

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I started off with 5 awhile back in the tiny 1 gallon tank. I’m down to 1 that I moved into the new 5 gallon now, but have more on the way. I think my others died bc I didn’t have active substrate to keep the ph lower. But there is definitely a lot of biofilm.

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