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How do I know how brackish to make a tank?

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I have some lampeyes that are supposed to be a brackish water species, but there's apparently at least one population that has been found in fresh water. I tried to drip acclimate my fish to more brackish water over a day, but they don't seem to tolerate it really well. When I approach a tablespoon of marine salt per gallon, they become less interested in food, their lower GI tract turns red, and they aren't as interested in fighting/breeding. They perked up a lot when I did a big water change. Since this species is supposed to have longer lifespans and breed more easily in brackish water, I'm wondering how I tell whether I acclimated too quickly vs. these are just a freshwater population? Anybody have any ideas?  

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You might ask the place where you got them what kind of water they were kept in. They may have been converted to fresh there. I know a couple of guppy places that will convert guppies from brackish to fresh upon import 

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They came in freshwater as by catch with a different species of lampeye, micropanchax luxophalmus. M. luxophtalmus is supposed to be a purely freshwater fish.  I asked the seller to try to get more info from their distributor, but they didn't get an answer. I would just leave them in freshwater, but I didn't see any breeding behavior at all until I added a tablespoon of salt to their 3 gallon tank. 


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On 8/30/2024 at 11:14 PM, skeeter_2 said:

but I didn't see any breeding behavior at all until I added a tablespoon of salt to their 3 gallon tank

Very cool. Maybe it’s all just a matter of your tweaking things. Trying as you go kind of thing. You kind of know now what they don’t like.  1 tlbsp per is too much. 1 to 3 seems to be a good starting point. Maybe stay there and see if you get any fry. And see what happens to them. Hopefully someone else can help, but you have a good start 

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