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Brown algae problem

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I’m new to planted tanks with the tank with the algae problem being my first planted tank being the one with the algae problem. The tank has been set up for a year now and the algae usually just grew on the driftwood and any plants that I let float for a long time. A few weeks ago some brown algae began to grow on my Java fern and now on my Pogostemmon. The algae only seems to grow on the plants closer to the surface. There is a little in my crypts and even less on my banana plant and I haven’t found any on my Amazon sword. My lighting was formerly a light my Granddady used on his saltwater tank that had a white light setting. After a while though the leds went out and I got a aco light. It is set at 60 but my homemade lid reduces the light level quite a bit. Ramon and bladder snails don’t survive in this tank (possibly because of the planeria) and my two nerite snail stay in the same place for a day or two at a time. I’m not sure what to do since the only algae eater I know of that would help would be otocinclus but my red wolf fish might choke on those so I don’t think those would be a good idea.

this is a picture of the algaeIMG_4260.jpeg.d87c008d25967e6c16b5decaaf0bd47d.jpegIMG_4261.jpeg.6ea98ae6427c88796f8560ebb02c08ad.jpegIMG_4262.jpeg.6950639a05e6a95107118b163a112438.jpeg

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