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Apistogramma Macmasteri fry too!


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First spawn for this pair as well. Was a small clutch only about 20. Free swimming 8/1. She's beeb a really good mom so far but now they are starting to venture away from her. Is this a good time to remove the fry to the grow out tank? 10 gallon tank - 24"x14"x7". Worried the multiple daily feedings are causing nitrites to rise. Only feeding the fry live BBS.


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On 8/15/2024 at 6:31 PM, DansFish said:

Can't Stop, Won't Stop! That's our Mag!

Dan I got the macmasteri red shoulder, hongsloi, golden australe, gardneri and blue gularis all from you. All amazing healthy beautiful fish. Stay tuned the red shoulder female is showing yellow too. Best fish I've ever bought.

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