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Comparative Chart?

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Good morning,

Is there a comparative chart for aquarium plants available somewhere?

Ideally one that shows what sort of light it requires, nutrition requirements, natural habitat, if there is a bloom, etc?

Thank you,


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Hi @GPounda

Good question!  Long ago in a galaxy far, far away AquaticPlantCentral.com  was not owned by VerticalScope and had an excellent plant database called "Plant Finder" compiled by Cavan Allen with detailed information on about 250 aquarium plant species.  Here is a sample of what it looked like:

And if you clicked on one of the links this is the excellent information it provided:

Regrettably when VerticalScope purchased Aquatic Plant Central and moved it to one of their servers they chose NOT to bring over the PlantFinder database.  For several years I thought the excellent source of information was lost.  Then I found the website Wayback Machine (https://web.archive.org/).  Wayback Machine is a web crawler website that visits and records the information on websites.  Using it I was able to find the database information from 2015 still intact (although no longer searchable) AND the links to the specific species in the database work as well.  That is where I got the screenshots you see above.  Here is where you will find the database: https://web.archive.org/web/20150209095937/http://www.aquaticplantcentral.com/forumapc/plantfinder/all.php BE AWARE, THEIR SERVERS ARE SLOW AND THE DATABASE TEXT WILL TAKE QUITE A WHILE TO LOAD AND THE PICTURES ARE EVEN SLOWER BUT THEY WILL EVENTUALLY APPEAR (LOAD) - AND I AM ON MY DESKTOP WITH 780 MPS DOWNLOAD SPEED!

I hope this helps @GPounda, -Roy

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