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Rainbow fish

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On 8/12/2024 at 6:57 PM, mynameisnobody said:

It all depends on your filtration, planted?, and what kind of rainbow. Praecox and Boesmani don’t get very large, but there are larger species. If you add larger species, your numbers will be more limited. 
Check this out for reference to a fairly thorough list of rainbows. 

Is filtered with an fx2 and it is planted in trying to make it as planted as I can. And would like to stay with smaller species. I appreciate the link hopefully I can find a good amount to add. Was thinking like 20 to 25 but over time to really monitor my tanks levels 

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I would say you’re in the correct general area. As long as you keep an eye on your water, you’ll be good. They do best in pristine water and love water changes. If I may suggest as another dwarf contender, Melanotaenia sp Kali Tawa, they’re stunning, look up videos of the males sparring, it’s pretty intense. 
Also keep an eye on your angels when they are in breeding mode. On the opposite end, if you obtain smaller angels, be sure they get to the food because rainbows are dive bombers. They’ll out compete most fish for food. As adults, the angels will bully their way in so food distribution won’t be a problem. 

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On 8/12/2024 at 7:30 PM, T. Payne said:

Bosemani are much larger than praecox. You could do that many praecox in a 75, but that would be way too many bosemani.

Was Total split like 3 of each kind trying to keep to the 1 male and 2 female split between. As best as I can 

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