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Angelfish and Rainbows

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I was planning on doing a discus tank for my 75 gallon but after going to different fish stores and seeing all the rainbows and angels Im thinking I would like to keep angels again. I did pick up 2 bolivan rams and 2 gold rams and wasnt sure how many rainbows I could add if I decided to go with a big group of angels like 6 or if im really pushing how many fish can be in there. The tank is heaviliy planted and filtered by an fx2 

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On 8/10/2024 at 10:45 PM, notronaldreagan said:

wasnt sure how many rainbows I could add if I decided to go with a big group of angels like 6 or if im really pushing how many fish can be in there

Depends on the type of rainbow. I had 9 praecox with my 6 angels. And 11 skunk corys. If you’re talking about full size boesemanie, yeah, it can be a little tight. But it’s less about the space than it is about the bioload. You can overstock it if you’re willing to do the bit of extra maintenance. 

the real problem you may have. I did. Is that you’re going to have a couple pairs of angels. Depending on their temperament, it could be mild. Or, like mine, a pair could get nasty. They even kept the rainbows to the bottom of the tank before I had to banish them to their own breeding tank. If you’re willing to remove eggs, they could be okay. 

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On 8/10/2024 at 10:05 PM, Tony s said:

Depends on the type of rainbow. I had 9 praecox with my 6 angels. And 11 skunk corys. If you’re talking about full size boesemanie, yeah, it can be a little tight. But it’s less about the space than it is about the bioload. You can overstock it if you’re willing to do the bit of extra maintenance. 

the real problem you may have. I did. Is that you’re going to have a couple pairs of angels. Depending on their temperament, it could be mild. Or, like mine, a pair could get nasty. They even kept the rainbows to the bottom of the tank before I had to banish them to their own breeding tank. If you’re willing to remove eggs, they could be okay. 

That makes sense I was planning on going witth Paecox first adding them and watching my levels and then adding the angels I want 

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I did the opposite. We bought the angels as babies. Before we had the 75g. The rainbows were used to… well, I can’t say they were bought for any reason. We just liked how they looked and we had the space 🤣

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In my 55 I have 6 Angels (2 of which are a pair), 3 Praecox Rainbows, ~15 Albino Cory’s, and I had 20 Cardinals with them. I’m down to the last 10 or so Cardinals, but when I had all 20 it was never a problem. The Cardinals are just running their course and the numbers have dwindled. 

I think it’s a great combo! A 75 could hold at least what I mentioned above. 

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On 8/11/2024 at 1:27 AM, AllFishNoBrakes said:

I think it’s a great combo! A 75 could hold at least what I mentioned above

Ha! That’s good. Cause we recently added 2 solo specimens. 1 electric blue acara and 1 albino heckili. We got the last directly from Jason Adams and family at Aquashella (great people btw, my daughter all weekend “ can we go back to Primetime now?” ). Probably overdid it, but couldn’t resist. 

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I’ve kept all fish listed above. If I could ever have 6 angels live in harmony in a 75 gallon, I would dedicate an aquarium to them. It’s failed at least 3 times. When they go into breeding mode, you start to realize that when it comes down to it, it’s a cichlid. 

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On 8/11/2024 at 6:08 AM, mynameisnobody said:

It’s failed at least 3 times

Yep, they pair and everything goes to heck. But I think I can do it, if I can figure out the sexes, never had problems until they’re sitting on eggs. Even my aggressive marble was fine with no eggs. Problem is they pair before I can figure it out. Got 3 males and 4 juveniles currently with no issues 

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The ideal solution would be two seventy-five-gallon tanks, that way you could segregate the males and females as they became sexually mature. All the boys in one tank and the girls in the other. You'd get the look you want without the sexual tension. 

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