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Lily Pipes (in all varieties)

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Good morning,


Today's question is about Lily pipes.  I see the videos and they look amazing, but are typically seen for small tanks.  If attached to a canister, will they provide sufficient circulation for larger tanks as well?


Thanks. 🙂


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If the internal diameter is similar to the hoses, they shouldn't cause much restriction.

I use them (bell flair end/skimmer style) on my cannisters for a 100gallon & they work fine. Did drill an extra hole in the restrictor bottom of the inlet (plastic)to allow more flow so the suction didn't overwhelm the floating skimmer portion. 

The outlet type makes a big difference in flow dispersion. The bell type calm it a bit while the straight style will create a jet on big cannisters. 


Edited by Beach Cruiser
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I haven't kept Rainbows, so i don't know much about their needs. Or the tank size/filter you are using. 

Some riverine fish love high flow current & would probably benefit from turbulence in the tank. I have slow water fish that prefer a calm flow so i use the bell type.

Also, there is an outlet on each end of a 5' tank from the 2 filters to ensure good coverage.  If it was a longer tank with a single filter, I'd probably use a jet style mounted on the side/end glass & aimed at the other end to provide max circulation. 

Either way, i like the skimmer type to keep the water surface clean of any oil/film buildup.

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Medium flow as juveniles and med-higher flow when adults for melanotaenia, chilatherina, and glossolepis. Pseudo’s are best kept differently. Rainbows will dart around and will appreciate the water resistance, and it also keeps poop/food off the bottom of the tank and into your intake sponge. 

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