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Any advice on a bully fish?

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I have a 20 gallon tank I cycled then added 7 Platy fish. One reported female ended up actually being a boy so I have 4 females and 3 males. The bigger male is a big bully. Pretty sure he nipped the little male in the tail (which luckily healed perfectly) and he is all over and harassing one of the females.

I know there are three other females but I think they might be too young/immature where the boy platy’s don’t care for them yet. So this one poor girl is getting all the unwanted attention and last couple days seems a bit stressed out.

I only have a 2.5 gallon from an old beta and no quarantine tank set up yet. So I’m hesitant to go buy a few more bigger females but not sure what other options I have. 

any advice? Any more ways I can help with her stress? Thanks. 

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Besides setting up another aquarium. You may be able to swap him for another female. Depending on where you got him. Petco/petsmart probably not.  Or get him another female of similar size to harass. 

for excess fry. You could let nature take its course. As long as you have plenty of cover for new fry. Platy tanks will kind of balance themselves out. With all ranges of platys. From fry to older adults. With the knowledge that platys will eat fry and your population will stabilize. If you don’t like the idea of that. Then, yeah, you’re going to need a plan for lots of fry. 

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Is your tank heavily scaped?  By haveing some tall plant (fake or live) and some rocks or wood to provide cover/hiding spots and break up line of sight might help curb the aggression.  

Tony s gave you a great recommendation about trading him in for a different one if possible.  

Like you mentioned, adding some large females would help spread out the aggression. 

You could fill your 2.5 with tank water and use it as a penalty box to give the others some rest and maybe some extra feedings with the bully on time out.  With out filtration or steady temp I wouldn't keep him in there long term.

Good luck!  

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