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My dream store

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    I just finished listening to the latest Tank Talk episode, where they discuss what their dream store would look like. Such a fun episode. It really got me imagining what that would look like. The best explanation I could give is that mine would have elements from ACO mixed with elements from some stores I've seen on YT from Europe, where they focus on the aquascaping side of the hobby. Most stores lean towards either a focus on the fish, or replicating a gallery. I'd love to merge both. 

   I love the idea of having a quarantine room like ACO, and a dry goods section but only with the products I use and believe in. I also love the idea of having a sitting area where anyone can sit and read hobby-related magazines and aquascaping materials. It would have a tv set up with instructional videos and even aquascaping contest videos. The products needed to get started in the hobby would be within view, with a dedicated employee ready to answer questions about cycling, fish care, etc. I would sell most of the common fish the newbies buy (Mollies, Platys, etc) as well as a few special gems that are harder to find. I love Corys, so I'd have at least 10-15 different kinds. Each tank would be planted and carry nano fish for the most part. I'd scape each one with wood and stone. There would be an area set apart for different kinds of driftwood and various stones, reasonably priced. I would have at least 4 40 breeder tanks full of live plants and a large refrigerator full of frozen foods. 

  This is a dream store, so I understand that this will never happen. I just appreciate the chance to let my mind run with this before coming back down to earth and my struggles with my tanks. 

  What would your dream store look like?? 


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On 7/31/2024 at 9:27 AM, Scaperoot said:

Such a fun episode

Every time they get together it’s a whole lot of fun. My absolute favorite. I did actually lol when John announced it on his livestream. I’m talking my daughter to aquashella just to meet Jason. We’re very excited. And very freaked out. This is so unlike me.


On 7/31/2024 at 9:27 AM, Scaperoot said:

What would your dream store look like?? 

I think a lot like Brian Barczyk’s store. I know Jason didn’t like the multi pet thing, but that’s right up my daughter’s alley. Especially the lizards and snakes. She’s 9, they’re one of her favorite animals.

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