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endlers glass surfing?

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hi again! put a trio of male endlers into my 5.5 gal planted setup about 5 days ago, but I've noticed that they're glass surfing on one side of the tank. The tank is cycled, and I've checked my water parameters, there's no ammonia or nitrites. they're the only inhabitants besides my shrimp and ramshorn snails. I'm under the suspicion that my light might be too bright for them? I use a hygger 24/7 light that has a transitional feature depending on the time of day and they seem to glass surf the most during the middle of the day and tend to stop by the late afternoon/evening when the lights start to dim. any advice would be appreciated!

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I have dozens of endlers from a trio I bought a year ago. The babies, having been born in my water, haven't glass surfed even when I transfer them to different tanks. Their parents did, when they were new. It took a few days to a week before they calmed down. My different lighting intensity settings didn't seem to affect them, although I have plants that shade part of the tanks.

Maybe add an extra air filter or airstone for a while, just in case it is because they don't have enough oxygen?

Edited by HelplessNewbie
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On 7/24/2024 at 8:17 AM, grimchiroptera said:

hi again! put a trio of male endlers into my 5.5 gal planted setup about 5 days ago, but I've noticed that they're glass surfing on one side of the tank. The tank is cycled, and I've checked my water parameters, there's no ammonia or nitrites. they're the only inhabitants besides my shrimp and ramshorn snails. I'm under the suspicion that my light might be too bright for them? I use a hygger 24/7 light that has a transitional feature depending on the time of day and they seem to glass surf the most during the middle of the day and tend to stop by the late afternoon/evening when the lights start to dim. any advice would be appreciated!

Sometimes new fish glass surf until they are comfortable.  Question, is there a lot of flow along the glass that they choose to surf in? some fish just like to swim in the flow.

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