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Medaka stopped using spawning mops.


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I had been getting about 10 eggs off mops per day. I see her with eggs but they never end up on the mops and I can't find them. Mops are the pool noodle brillow pad type. I expect there is nothing I can do but thought I would ask just in case. First eggs hatched yesterday,  Thanks

Update 6/26/2024   Lost the breeding male so no new eggs in immediate future. The good news is there are 25+ fry and a few eggs that may hatch. The female is now outdoors, the fry are indoors in a tub 10-15 gallons that the breeding pair had been in. They are growing well and the plan is to move them outdoors early August.

Edited by Danders
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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry to hear that the male passed. 

I’d second @Jovius ‘s comment on making a yarn mop.  I had several of the pool noodle/scrubber pad mops and a single yarn mop in my tank and most of my eggs were in the yarn mop. 

In fact when I had let string algae get a little out of hand, the handful of string algae had the more eggs in it then either of the other two options.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Moved all juveniles outdoors, could have done it sooner, Survival rate was great and count was much higher than I expected at 32.           I will bring a few indoors for winter to keep warmer and hope to breed. Winters are mild here so hope the rest are old enough to survive the winter.

I would buy eggs next time since I lost so many fish after shipping, They all survived the 3 day warranty but most died in the next 3 weeks.  

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I used the pool noodle type with used, rinsed carbon- infused filter material. The Medaka seemed to prefer the black over the green scotchbrite. Maybe they all have a preference...



They never used the yarn mops... Daisy's rarely did either. 

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