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Betta Pacing!


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My betta Oscar keeps glass surfing and I really don't know why. The water parameters are the same. Nothing has really changed. He was playful and active and now he mostly glass chases. I tried turning off the light for an hour to see what happens and he eventually goes back to glass chasing with the light off. Is this common for a  betta or is this a sign of sickness? Not really sure. Thank you!


  • pH 7.4-7.6
  • Nitrates 0ppm
  • Hardness GH 100-200 ppm
  • Nitrite 0ppm
  • Ammonia 0ppm
  • KH/Buffer 50-100 ppm
  • Water Temperature 77.9 F


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On 6/12/2024 at 4:45 PM, Vonz1 said:



My betta Oscar keeps glass surfing and I really don't know why. The water parameters are the same. Nothing has really changed. He was playful and active and now he mostly glass chases. I tried turning off the light for an hour to see what happens and he eventually goes back to glass chasing with the light off. Is this common for a  betta or is this a sign of sickness? Not really sure. Thank you!


  • pH 7.4-7.6
  • Nitrates 0ppm
  • Hardness GH 100-200 ppm
  • Nitrite 0ppm
  • Ammonia 0ppm
  • KH/Buffer 50-100 ppm
  • Water Temperature 77.9 F


Normally male betta will do that if they see their reflection but the gills would be flared. @Vonz1

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