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BBA Success!!

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Watched a Coop video on how to rid the BBA from your tank. In it the one method that seemed to make the most sense was to coat the BBA in place, with Easy Carbon using a syringe. So I tried it.

I shut the pump down and coated two areas, with Easy Carbon, kept the pump off for 20 min then  turned it back on.

The next day I could see a noticeable difference, I repeated the process two days later and now in those two areas there is no more BBA!

I’ll eventually treat all the areas where the BBA is, but trying to ration the Easy Carbon I have left since it’s no longer available at AC.

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On 6/2/2024 at 6:35 PM, Justin V1 said:

I’ll eventually treat all the areas where the BBA is, but trying to ration the Easy Carbon I have left since it’s no longer available at AC.

Not to steer you toward another product, but I guess it's okay if you can't get Easy Carbon, but I think any gluteraldehyde would work in its place.

And of course, if you're trying to remove BBA from an epiphyte, hardscape, or anything else you're able to fully remove from your tank, reverse respiration could work very well:


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