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60 Cube or 40 Breeder

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My local Petco has all tanks for 50% off and was thinking about taking advantage of the sale.

The hard part is choosing between the 40 Breeder and the 60 Cube. Standard dimensions on the 40 breeder but the 60 cube is 25”X25”x25”.

They would be low tech planted with nano fish, shrimp and a personality fish or two.

Any wisdom would be much appreciated 

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The fish are really going to determine what you want. 

Streamlined fish (tetras, rasboras, etc) benefit from longer tanks. In general, longer tanks have more swimming space than cube / taller tanks (although, cube and tall tanks have their place). Cories love a longer tank. 

Another benefit to longer tanks is there is more space for territory claims, so less aggression (if you're looking into fish that can be aggressive).

Both have plenty of space but if I was you, I would go for the 40 breeder - I tend to like longer tanks because I tend to like bottom dwellers as my "go-to" fish, like kuhli loaches, plecos, cories, etc -- and bottom dwellers like more "bottom" space (so, long is more preferable for them!)

TLDR; There is no objectively better tank. Research the fish you want and decide which tank fits their needs. It's really all up to you, but I hope my input helped. [ It is typically more satisfactory to buy a tank for a specific type of fish rather than buy fish that fit in the tank you happen to have. (If that makes sense)! ]

Gonna tag @Lennie because they've helped me a lot with stuff. Sure they could help you too!

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On 6/2/2024 at 1:54 PM, Justin V1 said:

That’s very helpful, thank you. Makes great sense too. The cool part is that the 40 B is a lot cheaper that the 60C.

i too like bottom dwellers an schooling tetras

Rad!!! Tetras are super diverse. I just recently got black neons and they're very entertaining. I would highly recommend them, but they are a little bigger than a "nano fish" (still under 2 inches). My pygmy cories actually school with them - it is very cute.

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60 Cube will have the benefit of more tank height, and more depth front to back, allowing you to have a more diverse aquascape.

40 Breeder will be a bit longer, which gives a bit more swimming area length for your fish. Also, by being shorter and narrower, it is easier to reach into the back corners of the tank, making maintenance easier. 

I love my 60 Cube as a display tank and would not want to trade it for a 40 Breeder unless I were using it strictly for breeding fish/farming plants. 

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Yes, I agree with all of the above.  I had angels in a taller tank which was very satisfying, but only for them.  I had to set up a 55 (48") for barbs, tetras, danios ,and rainbows, who all need back and forth space.

Interesting oddball fish experience I had - I had a hexagonal aquarium (60 gal or so) with a Ctenopoma.  It's a moderately sized fish, but doesn't need lateral space.  But then, I couldn't keep much with him (her).

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Thank you all for all of this helpful wisdom you’re sharing. This what I had hoped I’d for when I created this post. Looking like I’m going to have to sleep on it and then commit to what fish I want in it and how I want to scape it.

Also consider cost of all other components as well will be a factor. Lights, filtration, etc.

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I have my tanks glass to glass custom made. The closest to those ratios I have are 60x60x50cmh and 100x40x40cmh. I think both are good. You cant really go wrong with both options. If it was smaller I would skip the cube, but 60cube is big enough for a lot of species IMO

Please note that 60 cm height would make maintenance problematic a bit. Also light reaching to bottom plants may need a bit better planning and more expensive equipments to invest on based on the scenario

Your stocking options will be fairly similar in both cases so it is up to you really. If you are not a tall person, I would not recommend a 60cm h tank honestly. Im 193cm and 50cmh even feels bothering to do maintenance in terms of height 


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