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Good lower-mid level tank mates for my Ropefish?

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I have tried asking around on the forum about keeping Rainbow cichlids and Kribensis. But I am definitely open to non-cichlid options to be tank mates for my ropefish tank.

Some specs:

54 Gallon, Bowfront. Keep in mind that there is less swimming room.

8.0 Ph, mineral rich water. Tank is heavily planted, with driftwood. Substrate is sand, with bits of lava rock in it.

Current residents: 11" Ropefish, an Angelfish, 2 Turquoise Rainbowfish, and a SAE.

Important things to note: Fish must not be aggressive, small enough to fit in his mouth, and not crazy expensive! 🙂



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I’d add to your colony of rainbows. You’ll get a display like you’ve never seen. Rainbows are stunning in schools. I’d add 4 more. Fish in high numbers look light years better than 2 of this and 2 of that. You’ll get much more interesting behaviors and when rainbows spar and flash, it’s a sight to behold. 

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On 5/31/2024 at 8:05 PM, mynameisnobody said:

I’d add to your colony of rainbows. You’ll get a display like you’ve never seen. Rainbows are stunning in schools. I’d add 4 more. Fish in high numbers look light years better than 2 of this and 2 of that. You’ll get much more interesting behaviors and when rainbows spar and flash, it’s a sight to behold. 

I planned on getting more. But with my scarce budget, it's hard for me too get fish in large numbers. I plan on getting 2-3 more on my next trip, perhaps getting other varieties.

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I am by no means disregarding the financial aspect, I totally get it. If I were in your shoes, I’d do exactly that (add the rainbows when I could afford it), save my money, and enjoy my aquarium. As long as I enjoy the occupants, I prefer to understock a bit and have the fish really extend their fins per se. With the exception of 1 aquarium, I only keep species only aquariums and they have been a giant game changer in my hobby. 
Honestly, there’s a ton of stuff you could do, I’m just answering from my own experience and what I view as the very best option is all. Good luck 

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On 5/31/2024 at 8:20 PM, mynameisnobody said:

I am by no means disregarding the financial aspect, I totally get it. If I were in your shoes, I’d do exactly that (add the rainbows when I could afford it), save my money, and enjoy my aquarium. As long as I enjoy the occupants, I prefer to understock a bit and have the fish really extend their fins per se. With the exception of 1 aquarium, I only keep species only aquariums and they have been a giant game changer in my hobby. 
Honestly, there’s a ton of stuff you could do, I’m just answering from my own experience and what I view as the very best option is all. Good luck 

I think I will run to my LFS tomorrow and buy 2 more, hopefully females. I remember the glory of my dad's 135 rainbowfish tank. It's in the garage, and has seen some very rough days... yet there is still one female Bosemani that is going on 9 years.

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They are pretty small. The dominant one is a bit deeper-bodied, had sharper fins, and shows a wide color spectrum. The other is more blue, but appears like a male that is outcompeted for dominance, and his fins are at a similar sharpness.

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On 6/1/2024 at 9:10 AM, Tlindsey said:

I would also be concerned about ropefish getting to food fast enough. I have Polypterus and they can be out competed for food.

I feed him live mealworms and redworms. They are too big for the other fish to eat, but just right for his mouth.

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