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Greetings from Japan.

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Hello everyone, I am a Canadian who has been living in Japan for over 10 years (and for the foreseeable future) I got into fish via my father who bred gourami back in the day (How did the 90s get so far?) and recently buckled and began a small(very small) saltwater operation out of my home. Recently, due to outside influence and local market I've been strongly encouraged to also return to my childhood roots and breed freshwater. As my tanks wind down building up some nice biofilm for the life to come I figured I should explore some communities online. So far the plan is, a few types of apistos, rams, shrimp and endlers.

I don't know what else to say about myself, if you have any questions please feel free to ask!


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Welcome to the forum!!! It is always so impressive to me when people can manage both freshwater and saltwater... way to go!!! It is also so cool hearing about pre-2010s/pre-internet fishkeeping. I have a handful of books from the 70s to 90s about fishkeeping, and it's fun to compare and contrast techniques and common knowledge from then to now. For example, one of my books encourages the growth of pondweeds and water-starworts, saying it provides food for your fish. I did take the advice (with lovely results), but it's funny how these things aren't recommended nowadays. Plus, if you wanted to know about proper fishkeeping pre-internet, you either had to find a mentor or go to a library and READ 🫣😱😰😱😰... oh well! I love reading but also love the easy access advice from the internet. Pros and cons, different eras!

Anyway, it is cool to hear your generations(?) of experience!! Welcome, you are awesome!

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