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Mystery snail eggs! mist or leave be?

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Greeting Fish keepers,


I have my first mystery snail egg clutch! I wanted to just leave it to hatch naturally rather than pulling it down to incubate as I usually think nature is better than me. However I'm a little worried they are getting too dried out.  I have a full glass lid on the 20H tank, only open to feed.  Should i be doing anything like misting it daily or anything like that? I'm haven't touched it as I'm afraid to knock it into the water. 

Any other snail tips would be appreciated!



Edited by jkh772
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keep the water level close to it, but definitely not touching. that should be enough humidity. especially with a lid. and if anything you do doesn't work this time, don't worry. you'll get plenty of chances. the only other thing i'd worry about is egg/snail eating fish

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