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GH rising beyond expected

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Hello, I’m just providing an plant update to the tank:

pH: 7.8

Ammonia: 0ppm

Nirite: 0ppm

Nirate: 40ppm (Mainly Easy Green)

KH: 7dKH

GH: 13dGH

Also, I dose 2 cups of Flourish Iron 3x a week (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday).

-Amazon Swords, with the exception of one have been growing well, despite my mistake of fertilizer burning them. The one in question hasn’t grown any new leaves or shown any signs of decay/death. 

-The Red Tiger Lotus continues to excel and has 6 lily pads I wanted to keep (I cut down 8 so far, which goes to show you how fast it has been growing within 2 months), as well as growing more leaves closer to the bulb. The lily pads are starting to take on a pink-spike core appearance now as opposed to the green-pac-man shape they had to start off. I guess that’s the Flourish Iron at work with the colors.

- Hygrophila Corymbosa are continuing to grow and shed off the emersed leaves, but my fish continue to feast on the leaves, and some of them are looking like they aren’t recovering too well. Should I get rid of them? They do still look nice for the most part, and are a lot fuller compared to when I first got them.
The Hygrophila Angustofolia has grown in height (some more than others), and the leaves aren’t being munched on as much by my inhabitants as the Corymbosa are. 

-Anubias are staying their courses with a leaf here and there. Nothing to really report on, as well as the Bucephalandra. The Bolbitis, however are propagating. 

-Ludwigia Arcuata continues to shine and has oddly has all of its emersed leaves still.  The stems are having new stems grow throughout the plant, rather just from the top only.
Ludiwgia Super Red on the other hand, have been growing leggy and is starting to lose the submerged growth it has been experienced since being added to my tank. 

-The Green Bacopa has shown significant growth, most noticeable on the left middle side of the tank.

- The Java Fern and Cryptocornes have recovered well from my prior disaster with this tank. 







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