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How can I get my betta to stop eating my snail's food?

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My betta is a little jerk and thinks anything that floats or he sees sinking is his food, which wouldn't be a problem if some of my snail's food wasn't him sized. I don't think it would be a problem for him to eat it necessarily, it's just the pellets expand in the water after a bit and that will cause issues when/if he eats them. Any ideas on how to get him to leave the sinking food alone? I've tried distracting him with his own food and dropping the snail food in while he's eating but he usually makes a mad dash for it before it hits the ground. I basically have a Labrador in my tank who will eat any moving garbage and I  can't exactly hold my fish by the collar while I feed the other one.

Also tank update: I have a lot of new plant growth and everything seems stable so far. I haven't had any plant melting or any dead stock (yay!). So I think I'm doing reasonably well with my first planted tank or I'm just stupid lucky.


The fern and the anubius in the back left are growing pretty well.


The rat in question covered in bubbles because I just did a water change and he likes to fight the water flow.


My poor innocent bystander (no idea what we're trying to accomplish here).

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You can separate either the snail or betta during feeding time. I used to keep female bettas in a community tank and I would separate them during feeding time so they don’t over eat and get bloated. 

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