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For months I had one Ramshorn snail.  He had a tendancy to crawl up the glass and just drop off to float down.  One day he floated down and landed on the heater on his back.  I think he cooked to death.  It was sad however my sister gave me a new baby snail from her tank.  We named him/her River and have enjoyed watching him grow.  Today little snails showed up around the tank.  I have seen 6, how many eggs do Ramshorn snails lay at a time.  This wasn't really my plan however we will roll with it.


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I don’t know the answer of how many eggs per sac, and how often they lay the sacs, but the good news is they’re excellent clean up crew and the population can be controlled by how much they eat. Too much algae and overfeeding? You’ll have lots of snails. Balance your tank and that population will balance with it. 

I have Ramshorns in every tank but my Pea Puffer tank cuz, ya know, Ramshorns are their favorite snack. 

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Okay, I think I brought this on myself.  I am constantly reading to figure out what I don't know.  I was researching snails and that they like leaf litter.  I did not clean the dead leaves out as well as I had been so I gave them a food source at a time when I also started experimenting with a varied diet for my tetras and zingo, babies.

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I had a single kuhli loach in my aquarium and it was snail free -- no pond snails, no ramshorn -- while my other tasks were over run with them. It wouldn't touch the adult snails, but it definitely kept any babies from growing into adulthood. 

I can't think what fish would have been eating them, other than the loach, because I've kept all other species in that specific aquarium in other tanks that had lots of pest snails.

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