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5 Gallon Tank Killing Fish

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So you’re talking about the stuff you buy to create a nitrogen cycle? I always just put one hardy fish in and create a nitrogen cycle that way. I watched lots of videos on it before starting up. I was thinking that the leftover food and waste from a previous fish would keep the cycle going with no fish in it. I assumed that’s why my tests still show it cycled when there’s no fish in it.

What I’m still wondering though is like someone said, did it get stagnant from not being cleaned during that time and does it just needs lots of water changes and fresh water. And maybe fish food to keep the cycle going? Or is it better to break it down and clean it out like someone said? I’m terrified of the bleach method. Can you use hydrogen peroxide as an alternative?

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You can, but it you'll be starting from scratch at that point. a whole new cycle. Cycles usually take about a month to complete. I honestly wouldn't break it down at this point. just a matter of finding out what's going on.

Really shouldn't have stagnant water. if the airstone and sponge filter is running. the clear tube on the sponge creates water flow. even air stone bubbles cause water flow. and both pump air directly into the tank so it's oxygenated water. not stagnant. 

What are you using to test your water parameters.


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good. and the numbers are fine? 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, ph usually above 6.5, as high as 8 wouldn't bother me. nitrates between 10 to 50 (50 is on the higher end, but not an issue). hardness is also not an issue.

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honestly, the only thing i see out of order is that bag. I know somebody suggested you need it. But I really can't see a purpose for it. you could switch the whole sank to a hang on back and use carbon in that. That would work for carbon bags. or the cartridge usually has carbon in it anyway. but switching is just personal preference.

I also think, id try adding so API quickstart (better would be fritzyme7, dr tims, or seachem stability) with the next fish. and get some prime. then test your water daily, cause more than likely you're going to do a fish in cycle at this point. test daily and when your ammonia or nitrite has a positive reading. it's time for a water change. probably by half. the use the prime to dechlorinate afterwards.

so what i would do.

  1. 50 % water change with gravel vacuuming
  2. remove the bag. convert to a hang on back if desired (not necessary, but if it makes you feel better)
  3. go ahead and try adding a few fish with the addition of a bacterial source
  4. keep testing daily. water change when you see any ammonia or nitrites (both are poisonous). remember to dechlorinate new water
  5. feed fish sparingly for a while. just a pinch. all food should be gone in a couple of minutes

I'm hoping this clears your tanks up. really, i have tanks that look exactly like this one. mine are 10g instead of 5. and I am beginning to add some live plants to them. but this looks exactly like the tanks i started with. my problem is i didn't know how to stop adding tanks. now i have 14 of all sizes🤣 

Edited by Tony s
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