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Will this Ember tetra be okay?

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I got 8 ember tetras from my lfs (theyre the first fish for my tank) and while it got every one, the last one got sucked up from the filter and while they did give it to me for free on the way home it started to swim sideways and even rest on the bottom of the bag. 

After float and drip acclimation it looked to be doing okay but it doesn't really explore or react to food. It only reacts if one of the tetras nudges it and it'll act fine for a bit.

As of now he just floats in the middle of the column. 

Here's him when introduced:

Introduced https://imgur.com/a/en7leVr

And here's it now:

Now https://imgur.com/a/9AAWKSS


Let me know if it's beyond saving. Thank you.

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On 3/10/2024 at 9:03 PM, Dextreous said:

I got 8 ember tetras from my lfs (theyre the first fish for my tank) and while it got every one, the last one got sucked up from the filter and while they did give it to me for free on the way home it started to swim sideways and even rest on the bottom of the bag. 

After float and drip acclimation it looked to be doing okay but it doesn't really explore or react to food. It only reacts if one of the tetras nudges it and it'll act fine for a bit.

As of now he just floats in the middle of the column. 

Here's him when introduced:

Introduced https://imgur.com/a/en7leVr

And here's it now:

Now https://imgur.com/a/9AAWKSS


Let me know if it's beyond saving. Thank you.

Looks much better than in the introduced video. Hopefully it will pull thru. That was stressful for the little fish to be stuck onto the filter. The employee shouldn't have given you a injured fish. @Dextreous

Edited by Tlindsey
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Honestly, only time will tell. Let's all hope he pulls through but it's a 50/50 chance at this point. Mistakes happen and it's cool the lfs gave it to you for free. A lfs had a black neon tetra hop out of the net onto the floor when I was buying a group of them years ago. He apologized and offered it to me for free, which I took. We're all doing the best we can and I think they treated you fairly. Again, fingers crossed for you and your new little fish. Good luck

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This is great to see! I have also noticed that ember tetras tend to faint when they get stressed out. When I received mine in the mail, I thought half were dead! Added them to my tank, a few hours later they were all swimming, and the next day they all looked completely normal. Same thing happened when I transferred them 2 a new tank about a year later.

They are a hardy fish but can be a little dramatic and give you a fright!

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