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Meds and fertilizer

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I have a guppy tank I’ve had for 4 years now and over the past few years I’ve lost some and wanted to get my population going again. So I placed an order from the breeder I used years back and got very pretty quality guppy’s. My tank has guppy’s males and females more females than males, 8 neons, 5 corydora, 2 older ember tetras, 1 rubber lip pleco. I have always had plants in the tank and got rid of most of them years ago and just kept my Anubis. I have a good bunch of that in the tank still growing and I went out to get some plants like Java moss, Amazon sword, guppy grass, baby tears, I have them all in the tank and have been treating liquid fertilizer and I have a plant light. I just got the med trio in wich I’ve used before it’s just been years. And today after adding easy root tabs and meds and liquid fertilizer the tank became cloudy and these fish have been in the tank for weeks. I have been dosing the easy green every other day but I did it back to back this time when I added the meds and root tabs,  also have pathos growing out of the back, 2 sponge filters that are well seasoned and working great normally, no ammonia, no nitrite, 30 nitrate and on day 2 now of meds. My water is well water is pretty hard. Ph is 7.5 im just curious if I should wait this out or maybe try a water change. What did I do to much fertilizer? Or is it the med trio? Just any advise or experience someone maybe has had this happpen. Thank you. 

Edited by Andrew779
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