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Possible huge problem


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Hello, so i recently got seven honey gourami from my lfs they were all very small and extremely hard to sex. Well fast forward two months and I have atleast 4 maybe 5 males and two females. Unfortunately the guy at the store was probably more clueless than I was. He had assured me it was three males and four females. Well he was trying to go off of the black line they “all” have when stressed. Well pretty much as soon as I put them in my tank the lines went away and then I noticed two had orange tips on their dorsal fins and the other three had yellow (two are wild type) and they are extremely chill but I’m on the fence with one it’s built like a male but it doesn’t have the black line or yellow on the dorsal. Anyways is this going to turn into a disaster? One of my males is clearly the boss as he is full breeding color and pretty intent on changing anything that comes near his bubble nest away. I know adding seven fish at once is also kind of idiotic but it didn’t do anything to my parameters as they were all so small. But I can’t help but feel like this is beyond saving I’m on the fence on either trying to return them which I hate that idea as well they’re my babies lol or setting up a 20 gallon and just sticking a couple of males in it with no females. I need advice. They’re in a 29 gallon heavily planted tank cover all over the place almond leaves caves I made out of driftwood thick plants water lettuce I really tried to make an Asian flood type of feel. 

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Pictures of the tank could definitely help. I’ve always heard Cory say “1 or 3 or more”. You’re definitely in the more category where the aggression should be spread out throughout the group. 

Is your concern the male to female ratio? Too many fish for the tank in general? Is there aggression that is concerning you aside from the one chasing fish away from his nest? Are you having trouble keeping up with maintenance? I guess I’m trying to understand what is concerning you at the current moment. 

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On 2/24/2024 at 11:00 PM, AllFishNoBrakes said:

I guess I’m trying to understand what is concerning you at the current moment. 

Yeah, this. They are pretty chill. You might need to just watch. If you see aggressive behavior. Rehome the offender 

take him back to lfs and trade genders 

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Yea sorry reading back through what I said it was pretty illiterate. I’m not concerned with keeping the tank clean I’ve been in the hobby for a while now just new to honey gourami. My concern is future aggression as the other males grow into themselves  clearly my mtf ratio is off lol. If I was going off of the 1” per gallon rule two inches overstocked but I have two Otto cats and I know their bio load is way lower as they don’t eat protein unless they came across a blood worm or something. I’ve included a picture but it’s a few weeks old I have a few more plants and more leaf litter and what not. 


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Yeah, never seen a group that large. Might be off. But I don’t think you’re in any danger. Just keep an eye out. Not even sure they’ll unduly harass the female. Absolutely let us know what’s happening. Now you’ve got me curious 

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On 2/24/2024 at 9:37 PM, Bhoff1989 said:

My concern is future aggression as the other males grow into themselves  clearly my mtf ratio is off lol.

My advice would be to simply have a plan for what you do IF it becomes a problem. No need to worry about things that may, or may not, be a problem in the future. Be aware and have a plan that you can enact, of course, but don’t let the fear of the future hold you back from enjoying what’s happening in the present. 

It may never be a problem. If it becomes one, like @Tony s said, take the offender back to the LFS and trade it for a female. 

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I appreciate the advice. I think I’m gonna ride it out. I’ve been wanting to set up a 20 gallon on my kitchen counter anyways I have a perfect space for it just got to put an extra brace on the overhang. And I’ll leave some room in it for two honeys just in case but I will definitely keep you guys posted. I added a photo but it is too big or something. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just an update for you two. So far it’s all good with all the gourami but one male. He is a total asshole lol. Attacks all the other males and females. Hes stressed theyre stressed he owns half the tank. So instead of trying to return him as i dont believe in that and you know how it is i love him already lol. Im setting up a 10 gallon for him. It’s going to be a really pretty tank very well planted and all the fixings for a honey gourami. Either of you have any suggestions on what could live with him in there? He doesnt bother any other fish except the occasional trying to nab an antenna off of my mystery snail. The ten gallon will have a hob and a small sponge filter

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Always one problem child in every group 🤣

For a 10g. Small group of rasboras. harlequin, lambchop, neon green (kubotai), maybe even chili. small group of tetras- green neons, regular neons (if bought from big box, buy extra, you'll lose some). embers. If well planted and established, could do cherry shrimp. he'll snack on young, but they should reproduce fast enough.

These are the ones i keep with bettas. they should do good with him

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Cool thank you. I have some good lfs around me fortunately so I only buy non living items from box stores. I’m actually on the fence between celestial pearl danios and chilis it’s pretty well planted but new plants at the moment so not full yet. Unfortunately I can’t post pictures on this forum it’s pretty annoying. I got three tamshorn snails that came with my plants so I have a good cleanup crew lol. The new dominant male in the honey group is a lot cooler he’s fully dressed but only slow chases the other males away and it’s really only like a hey you’re to close chase rather than the I want to kill you chase lol. If you can get the sexing ratio right I would recommend a group of six it’s quite the sight they interact even play. 

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