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Catfish loss of whiskers


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I have had my Lima Shovelnose Catfish for a few days. I notice his whiskers are half the size as when I got him.He is alone in a quarantine tank that does have a filter, heater, and is oxygenated. I have also been doing water changes daily and testing the water daily, the nitrate, nitrite, ammonia,PH,GH, and KH are all good. I have been using API Melafix API stress coat. There is a slight cloudiness to the water, but like I said the water Quality is good.Is this normal when catfish are stressed. I would appreciate any advice. Thanks

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He is alone in a bare bottom 15 gallon quarantine tank he is alone so no tank mates here is a photo. The whiskers are about half as short as when I got him a couple of days ago.


Edited by JosiahBass
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He is going into a 75 for a while and I will move him into a bigger tank when needed. I really don't think that they got cut off (I might be wrong) is there a chance it is some sort of fin rot on his whiskers? He does not have fin rot on his fins.

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I remember hearing someone talk about pectoral fin and barbel erosion on corydora fry on bare bottoms.  But I haven't experienced anything like that.  Not sure about your fish, but I agree that it is probably something related to decor or being spooked.  That rock interface looks perfect for a wisker to get snipped off in.

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I can’t give you an exact diagnosis, however keeping a hefty catfish like that means you’re going to have to minimize all of the plastic items in that tank. Plastic plants are notorious for being sharp and a feeler is quite fragile. Your setup doesn’t match the species being kept and it’ll only get worst as it puts on size. 

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@JosiahBass you’re asking and we are doing the process of elimination. Whether you agree or not, it just kind of is what it is. Plastic plants have torn up fish before. In one of your photos, I see plastic plants. Whether it’s the quarantine tank or not, is too much for me to keep up with. Just know, the more decor, the higher the chance of injury. 

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