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Dyeing plastic a dark, smoky color?


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I was thinking of utilizing a Lee's corner filter along with the ACO lift tube in a smaller tank.  I'd like to paint the back of the tank black.  I'd also like to dye the plastic of the filter and lift tube a smokey black.  Would that be possible?  Any suggestions?


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Painting the back of the tank is easy. I use a black acrylic paint available from craft stores. Acrylic, because if you change your mind, it can easily be scraped off. you can do other types, but they can be permanent. It does take about 3 coats to do the job, however. Staining plastic shouldn't be an issue. or even painting it. but haven't done that yet.

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Plastic isn't really... permeable, so I'm not sure that you can "stain" it.  There's some options for painting it, but if there's connections that are made with the outside diameter... that might be an issue.  It will probably eventually build up some gak inside and will look a little like what you want.  

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