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Get'r Done - 40 Breeder


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On 1/10/2024 at 3:48 PM, flyingcow said:

Bolivian Rams can be tricky if you have two males. I had this issue, and sadly the one who was bullied stopped eating and passed away before I could get a quarantine tank running. My lesson learned (which won't help you at this point) was get the dither fish first, and add cichlids in groups of three or more. My remaining ram is happy as a lark, but I'm not gonna introduce any more until he's gone.

"And bad mistakes
I've made a few...
We are the champions, my friends
And we'll keep on fighting till the end" -Freddie Mercury

My recent setbacks all contributed to Ignorance and Lack of Discipline. I will summarize some of these things for the betterment of mankind at the expense of my Aqua-Reputation.

Buy a test kit. Thought I have "successfully" maintained aquariums for years, I may have been fooling myself that water was OK for fish when I first introduced them. I'd just set it up let it run for a week or so and add a couple of fish. As I previously stated I probably always got lucky with slow introduction not me using good science and the fish surviving didn't mean I did it right. First water test embarrassed me to where I'm sure my face was redder than a bad Nitrate test.

Know your water. I have a container of water sitting around to top off evaporation of my existing native fish tank. Chlorine evaporates in a couple days, and I'm not a big fan of chemicals - using them and paying for them. Doesn't work with Chloramides which I have found is the treatment of choice of my local water source. Made me feel about as smart as a landscape rock.

Start with right fish, be disciplined, Ignore distractions - I went to Pet Shop full of that new tank enthusiasm. I was going to get something for my new tank not sure what but based on my preplanned wish list. Saw Bolivian Rams (on my list) probably not my best choice for initial tank fish but - Would they sell out and they never get them again? Would they ever have a 30% off sale again? Don't they look real pretty? I know just get one, but they are on sale. I knew 2 was a bad number (as FlyingCow stated) so why not get 3?  (won't repeat how the 3 fish story went). Realize I had experienced the enthusiasm of a hungry goldfish - loosing all my focus.

Be Patient. Before you know it, it the right time will be here. Remember the thrill of a purchase is soon lost. Buyers remorse is forever (Unless store has a generous return policy).

To save some face, here is a picture of my healthy tank, well cycled tank. Though the occupants have changed over time this has been up and running for more than a decade, maybe two.




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This morning's water test. First day of Zero Nitrites (and Ammonium). Nitrates 5 PPM. Cycling was a 5 week process which included a mid-cycle seasoned filter media add. We celebrated with a generous feeding!


Thanks for all the input. The information was of huge value. When I get it stocked I'll add some pictures. Be patient!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here is a photo of my stocked tank. Fish refused to pose for the photo. All are doing well, just waiting for plants to establish. I'm comfortable with current stocking. I did make some changes to plan, I'll list 'em. I think there is room for a few more fish maybe a small school of tetras. No rush.

2 Bolivian Rams - Both males. With addition of tank mates they seem to get along very well.

9 Emperor Tetra - Kerri Tetras were original plan but at the two stores, that I saw them they were so tiny, so I changed gears. I got three males in case if there was some aggression, it could be distributed.

5 Red Eye Tetra

5 Sterbai Cory 

My quarantine tank has cycled, but at this point is being used to grow some frog bit and a couple other plants.


getr done.jpg

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