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On 10/22/2023 at 12:16 PM, AllFishNoBrakes said:

Those look like Bladder Snails. 

I had that feeling! I read there very hard to get rid of. I bought a snail catcher and I’m trying zucchini slices. 
I need a fish that will eat them and not my shrimp. Are they harmful to red cherries?
I bought a Val plant from a well established dealer, he is the only one I buy from for years. I did an Alum dip as usual, so I don’t know where these things came from. 
I just want them out of my tank!

Thanks for your help!

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I wish you the best of luck removing snails. I had bladder snails that hitched a ride into my tank on some plants well I finally got them taken care of and low and behold ramshorn snails appeared I didn't try removing them. I'm sure the snails all had a good laugh about that one 😂 My point is that while its not impossible to remove all the snails it can be hard so don't be discouraged if it takes awhile to remove them all.

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On 10/22/2023 at 3:24 PM, JE47 said:

I wish you the best of luck removing snails. I had bladder snails that hitched a ride into my tank on some plants well I finally got them taken care of and lo and behold ramshorn snails appeared I didn't try removing them. I'm sure the snails all had a good laugh about that one 😂 My point is that while its not impossible to remove all the snails it can be hard so don't be discouraged if it takes awhile to remove them all.

Thanks! I appreciate it! I’ll do the best I can and see what happens!!

On 10/22/2023 at 3:34 PM, AllFishNoBrakes said:

Agreed. It can take a while as their eggs can hide and even when you thought you had them all, more hatch and you have new snails. 

They are not detrimental to your shrimp. If anything, I think they’re beneficial and I welcome them 

I’m going to give it a go!!

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