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New 10gal Tank for Mama


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Here is the final details & look of my mother's home office tank(video included...will take some pics soon):

  • 10 gal rimless
  • Carib Sea Eco-Complete, Red
  • Multiple pieces of Red Seiryu & Elephant Skin rock
  • Several pieces of sourced driftwood pieces(small)
  • Bubble Wall
  • Aquaclear Hangback 20-30 gal rated(sponge on end to prevent shrimpies from going bye bye into filter)
  • Fluval Aquasky Light


  • 1x Nymphaea sp. Peru Puerto Maldonado(prob the most expensive plant I have bought ever, but wow its beautiful...bought two more for the Discus set up I am doing in my journal below)
  • 1x Xyris sp Red Rare
  • 3x Eriocaulon Polaris
  • 2x Echinodorus Red Devil
  • 1x Java Fern(sourced from my giant Java in my living room tank)
  • 2x Jungle Vale(sourced from new ones sprouted in living room tank)
  • 1x self made island of moss


  • 10x Blue Dream Neocaridinas
  • 10x Cherry Neocardinas
  • A few Ramshorn & a couple Assassin snails(to help with the bladders that hopped on plants I bought)
  • 2x Sunset Honey Gourami
  • 5x Red Beckfordi Pencilfish
  • 2x Purple Pencilfish 'Rio Huallaga'
  • 2x Lemon Bristlenose Plecos(seller sent me 2, so I will eventually move 1 to another tank...right now they are ok, super small)

Well...that is pretty much the specifics...video below! 


Edited by Shadow
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On 10/12/2023 at 4:36 AM, TheSwissAquarist said:

Really nicely put together tank - I’m sure your mother will love it! 

She really is enjoying it...honestly think its my best work yet. Cheers!


On 10/12/2023 at 8:27 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

I love everything about this tank.  Nicely done @Shadow!

Thank you!! I really just wanted Mom to have a nice little tank for her to enjoy. Fish have acclimated incredibly well and seem to be very comfortable with their new home. 🙂

Edited by Shadow
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On 10/14/2023 at 2:40 AM, TheSwissAquarist said:

Shrimp are a pretty good choice for a newbies tank. My dad has a little shrimp tank on his desk in his office and he says that he spends most of his phone calls staring at it. 😏

Yea since I added the little moss island in the middle along with the shrimp hotel beside it, they really congregate there. She's very happy with the fish additions as well. The two sunset honey gourami are super personable and very interactive. 

She also has a small cube on her desk that houses her first fish, Snickerdoodle...a maroon and white half moon betta. He's pretty awesome and my Mom's lil buddy. 

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