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What else to add to tank?


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Hey all I have a 5.5 gallon tank currently occupied by just one betta. It has a filter good enough for up to 20 gallons as well as a heater. I’m wondering what else you think I could add? The tank seems kind of bare with just the betta. (Water is very brown from the driftwood currently) I’ve kept fish all my life so I’m not a beginner. 



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Are you asking about tank mates or plants/hardscape?

if tank mates- your extremely limited due to the tank size. You could add a Nerite snail and/or some ghost shrimp or an Amano shrimp. Neocaridina shrimp are likely too small to add as they might end up an expensive snack. 

plants/hardscape - maybe a Betta Rock cave. Plants choices are numerous but always appreciated by betta, especially broad leaf plants like Anubias because it gives them places to rest. I see you have an artificial silk plant already so I’m sure he spends his rest there 😊

Edited by FLFishChik
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Hi thanks for the reply! I was thinking more about tank mates. I read somewhere that rasboras may work but I could see that being a no go since the tank is small definitely gonna look into a snail and some shrimp though. And yes, he loves resting in his plant hammock lol. 

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I would say no to any fish addition as your betta's tank size is limited, and more importantly, betta has established this tank as its territory. I almost never had success whenever I tried adding a fish to a bettas tank after adding the betta first, even tho the addition of other fish prior to adding betta usually works with exact tanksize and fish stocking for me.

I would add more shrimp tubes and hiding places and try neocaridina shrimp, but it is a risk that you should be willing to take. And tiny snails if you like them

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