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Any results with Easy Carbon?

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The biggest issue with using Easy Carbon to address algae long-term is that it is just one tool, it doesn't address the cause of the algae, it just weakens it and allows you to get rid of it faster. Easy Carbon should ideally be one facet of correcting an algae problem, while you address the imbalance that is causing the algae in the first place. 

This is essentially the most simplified version of the balance you are trying to maintain in your planted aquarium: 

When one of these things is out of balance and your plants are not using what is available to them, you end up with algae. 

In my opinion, small amounts of algae are normal and healthy for aquariums. As long as the algae is not out competing your plants for nutrients, or taking over your tank, I would just leave it alone. You could certainly try Easy Carbon, but keep in mind that some plants may be sensitive to it. I do keep a bottle on hand pretty much all the time, however I don't usually use it as part of my regular dosing routine.

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On 8/4/2023 at 12:44 PM, Sarina said:

The biggest issue with using Easy Carbon to address algae long-term is that it is just one tool, it doesn't address the cause of the algae, it just weakens it and allows you to get rid of it faster. Easy Carbon should ideally be one facet of correcting an algae problem, while you address the imbalance that is causing the algae in the first place. 

This is essentially the most simplified version of the balance you are trying to maintain in your planted aquarium: 

When one of these things is out of balance and your plants are not using what is available to them, you end up with algae. 

In my opinion, small amounts of algae are normal and healthy for aquariums. As long as the algae is not out competing your plants for nutrients, or taking over your tank, I would just leave it alone. You could certainly try Easy Carbon, but keep in mind that some plants may be sensitive to it. I do keep a bottle on hand pretty much all the time, however I don't usually use it as part of my regular dosing routine.

Wow thanks for the detailed reply! Yeah I definitely don't have algae that is outcompeting my plants.

On 8/4/2023 at 12:56 PM, Pepere said:

I never noticed any benefit from it.  Daily dosing for months…

This thread a bit down on the page might interest you…



Thanks! I'll take a look!

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I have a bottle on hand, just in case I need to dose a specific plant/area.  I tried daily dosing an entire tank and didn't really see any difference, but when I had staghorn coming out of my Anubias, I spot dosed it with an eye dropper for a couple of days.  Took care of it real quick!  Once I added floating plants to the tank and adjusted my fertilizing regimen, the serious algae problems began to fade away in time.  I still have some algae growth on my rocks, but it's nothing worrisome so I'm just letting it be.

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