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Vampire Crabs!


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Hi all! 
I’m thinking of getting a vampire crab paludarium. This is the following plan: 


5 gallon aquarium with sponge filter in the water; water would be 72 degrees.

a light layer of sand in the water portion

what do you recommend as a good soil/diet for the land part, that, even when it gets in the water, is not harmful to the water inhabitants?

assorted terrestrial plants such as: banana plant, orchid, carpeting moss

A lid to keep the crabs and moisture in.

algae wafers and pellets, along with live fruit flies and crickets.

some ghost shrimp in the water part. They would not be in there all the time, because I do feed some of my larger fish live ghost shrimp.

How does this sound? Any further suggestions?



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On 7/25/2023 at 4:13 PM, Lillypad said:

what do you recommend as a good soil/diet for the land part, that, even when it gets in the water, is not harmful to the water inhabitants?

I use a tropical terrarium soil mix of 1.5 parts sphagnum moss, 2 parts Coco coir, 1 part tree fern fiber and 0.5 parts earthworm castings in my paludarium. Some definitely does get in the water sometime and I haven't noticed it harming my guppies, fiddler crabs or ghost shrimp. 

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