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Fish to Help with Culling


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I’m doing a lot of breeding I want to be pretty selective about my broodstock and what Inlet out in the public. I was looking for ideas on a big mouthed fish that can fit in a 29 gallon and can eat full grown guppies or platies. I have other fish I am breeding as well but full grown guppies or platies is a good size gauge. I could also do this fish in a 40 breeder or 75 gallon, but they need to get along with other fish in that case.

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On 7/24/2023 at 7:53 AM, mynameisnobody said:

Short body flowerhorn for a 40 or normal sized flowerhorn for a 75. My current FH is highly aggressive, but one I had years ago would attach sand. He was super entertaining. 

I would be concerned that a FH would go full murderfish on the fish I have in the tank already.

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On 7/24/2023 at 8:10 AM, mynameisnobody said:

Yes it definitely would. I thought you meant you needed a way to cull your fish. Problem with a fish that will eat guppies and platies in its current setup is that any fish that will do that will still decimate the current fish you have. 

There are plenty of fish that will eat small fish and leave there relatively robust tank mates that won’t fit in their mouth alone.

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On 7/24/2023 at 8:52 AM, Goosedub said:

I also can spare a 29 for a single fish but the 40 and 75 have other fish in them

I think to give you a better answer we need to know what fish are in which tank.  It kind of sounds like you want to put a predator in a community tank but only want it to eat the guppies. The issue is that a predator like a an Oscar for example will eat EVERY fish that it can fit in its mouth, not just the guppies. If we knew that the Oscar would be housed with a Bichir and a  Jaguar cichlid, then thats a different story than an Oscar with some angels and schooling fish.

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On 7/24/2023 at 3:53 PM, NOLANANO said:

I could be wrong here as I have never had any parrot cichlids but won't they eat guppies?

Nope. Their mouths aren’t big enough. They will pick off new bones but mostly just harass and torcher the guppies. I want something that’s going to gulp.

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I assume you have the cichlids in the 75G with maybe the shark and loaches and then the Angels and guppies in the 40G? This is a complete guess by me so if I have the stocking wrong, let me know.  Others who are more experienced with cichlids might have better advice but it seems like your issue is finding a fish large enough to eat the guppies that won't bully your current cichlids and also won't get picked apart by your current cichlids.  

When I was 15 I had a small Oscar with a couple of convict cichlids in a 29g cuz the guy at petsmart said it was a good idea. The convicts nipped at the oscar for about 2 weeks before he finally succumbed to his wounds. My point being that its not gonna be easy to find a species that can coexist with your current stocking and eat guppies. 

Just thinking out loud here, Maybe move the Jewel cichlids to the 29G which would free up space in the 75G for a large Hap or Peacock? An Oscar would have been my suggestion if the 75G was empty but I don't think it could live with african cichlids.

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I don’t own any Africans other than the Turkana Jewel Male. He is pretty tame since his mate died. They were little butts when they were in breeding form but he is real chill now. 

I was thinking of an Oscar. If I get the right one I think it would be amazing. But also, Oscars can go full murderfish on a tank if they want to do it will take me a bit more courage to pull that trigger. 

anyone have experience with Leaf fish? I could probabaly keep one of those in a 29gallon or 20 Long.

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I'm sorry, like I said I am not experienced with cichlids other than dwarf cichlids. I always thought Parrots were african cichlids.  Maybe an Oscar is your best bet. you would need to have some luck on your side with personality and temperment toward tankmates though.

I don't really know much about leaf fish.  WHat about something cool like a fire eel?

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I’ve pondered this often myself. My only real answer is to get a bigger tank with a bigger fish (like and Oscar). Considering that’s not a possibility, I’ve really had to focus on “do I have the space?”  If the answer is yes I’ll hatch the eggs. If the answer is no, then I toss the eggs. 

I realize this doesn’t “really” apply to livebearers and Guppies, but my answer has been to move away from the things I can’t control and focus on the things I can. 

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On 7/25/2023 at 9:55 PM, AllFishNoBrakes said:

I’ve pondered this often myself. My only real answer is to get a bigger tank with a bigger fish (like and Oscar). Considering that’s not a possibility, I’ve really had to focus on “do I have the space?”  If the answer is yes I’ll hatch the eggs. If the answer is no, then I toss the eggs. 

I realize this doesn’t “really” apply to livebearers and Guppies, but my answer has been to move away from the things I can’t control and focus on the things I can. 

Ya it’s not really about space for me. I have space for fry. I am selectively breeding and need to cull fish with traits I do t want passed on. Some fish, like the guppies, I can sell at the LFS but some of the higher end fish, I don’t want to sell because I don’t want those genetics out there until I am satisfied with the fish I am working with. I have ways of controlling population, I more want a fish that will eat the subadults I let grow out to see the traits they are exhibiting and don’t make the cut.

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