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To trim, or not to trim?


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    In the latest stream, Cory mentioned that he doesn't bother trimming dying leaves from plants in his tanks. I always thought you needed to trim in order for the plant to focus its energy on new growth. What am I missing? I currently have a couple plants with leaves that are dying, which have drawn the attention of my Otos. Are they eating them? 

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I don’t immediately trim dying leaves. Like @Pepere mentioned about Cory, I have a lot of gallons and work more than anybody should, so I leave them be. At least for a bit. However, there definitely comes a point that I don’t want it in the tank anymore and pull it out. Essentially, I put up with it longer than some people do, but eventually I take it out of the tank. 

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I understand. If I had many tanks I probably wouldn’t find time to deal with it either. I guess what I should have asked is whether not trimming would have any kind of negative impact on the health of the fish or other inhabitants. Thank you both for your insights. 

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On 7/17/2023 at 1:50 PM, Scaperoot said:

    In the latest stream, Cory mentioned that he doesn't bother trimming dying leaves from plants in his tanks. I always thought you needed to trim in order for the plant to focus its energy on new growth. What am I missing? I currently have a couple plants with leaves that are dying, which have drawn the attention of my Otos. Are they eating them? 

The explanation I have heard from Cory, is that if a leaf is dying off it is because the plant is consuming the nutrients from the leaf to use elsewhere. I personally trim dying leaves if I don't like how they look, and leave them otherwise.

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