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Miska's 20G Long Endler Paradise


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I bought a 20 gallon long at petco today because... sale.

I have been thinking about putting the shrimp and endlers in a 10 gallon but for the prices the 20 gallon was only like 7 bucks more. Yes, I have to buy all the equipment, but I have two extra hang on back filters I got from buying lots of aquarium stuff, and I have a small sponge filter. I need a heater, a lid, and a light. 

I am trying to find a good stand. Does anyone use those high capacity mesh metal shelving units for their fish? I am considering getting a three shelf one that claims it can hold 440 lbs per shelf. 

If you were going to do a 20g long and had endlers and shrimp to put in it, what else would you put in? How would you landscape it?


Do you already have one? I would love to see everyone's 20g tanks!



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On 3/4/2023 at 7:23 PM, Miska said:

If you were going to do a 20g long and had endlers and shrimp to put in it, what else would you put in? How would you landscape it?


plants, plants, and more plants.

cleaning the water, and providing hiding spots for baby endlers and shrimps.

also id post a picture of my 20, but its

a 20high not a 20long

has cloudy water

has a hair algae outbreak on the plants

the plants arent as big as i want them yet.

Edited by Theplatymaster
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Good idea! What plants do you like for that? I bought 3 bunches of Elodea today at 2.99 a bunch and I am hoping it goes nuts so I can put it in all my tanks. I am trying to get good plants for my scatterers in my 36 gallon. 




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My friend just Brought some females over! We are going to QT them in a 5 (there are only a few of them) while I prepare the 20.

Hardscape kind of escapes me. I think I'd like some dragon stone that I can glue plants to? Maybe? Or is there a better stone? I love watching MD tanks, but I just cannot imagine where to get this stuff at a good price or make it work for me.

Edited by Miska
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On 3/4/2023 at 9:46 PM, Miska said:

Good idea! What plants do you like for that? I bought 3 bunches of Elodea today at 2.99 a bunch and I am hoping it goes nuts so I can put it in all my tanks. I am trying to get good plants for my scatterers in my 36 gallon. 

you will want to remove the weight at the bottom and just float the eloda for a week or two so it can get lots of light and start growing roots.

On 3/5/2023 at 2:07 PM, Miska said:

Hardscape kind of escapes me. I think I'd like some dragon stone that I can glue plants to? Maybe? Or is there a better stone? I love watching MD tanks, but I just cannot imagine where to get this stuff at a good price or make it work for me.

that channel has got me thinking "Is hardscape free in europe?" driftwood is crazy expensive in my area, he has like 2000 giant pieces from it.

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My 20 long is my favorite tank! You are in for a treat getting to decorate it to your heart's content.

I do have Endlers and guppies in mine. Also some neons, a molly and a few platies. (All the Endlers and guppies are male and all the platies are female so no surprise population growth.)

For decor I have four driftwood arches which are pretty much hidden by plants at this point, and one larger driftwood piece. Also cholla for the shrimp. I usually have an airstone on one end and the sponge filter on the other, but at this moment the airstone is being used elsewhere. Finnex stingray light. 





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I am going pretty slow upgraded. I had some misshapes with new tanks, and I am going to pair back my acquisition now that I have two tanks I actually like. 

I want to do a tank that is like MD Tanks tanks, so I know that takes time and will need to be planned to the T. I am not a professional YouTuber, so I am going to do this over several weeks after the kids fall asleep. Or as I have time when my toddler is at his weekly class.

I want something inspired by this from HoT this weekend. I was helped by really nice staff. 




I just kept coming back to this area over and over and now I want a mini version of it. I want a tank like that. *so* bad. So so so so so so bad.


So now it is a goal. A long term goal. How does one even find a tank like that?


Anyway- I want to create something that resembles it in a 20L and that's my new dream. I think Endlers are gorgeous from above (I am insanely glad my bestie breeds them).  And I am now in absolute love with Otos because they had them against the glass. I am waiting for my local fish stores to go through treatment first. 

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