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New Fish for the Week 2/27-3/5

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Hi everyone! 😁

Here's the new stock for this upcoming week after they are cleared from quarantine! Most fish are ready to go by Sunday/Monday (depending on how quarantine goes), and we do not put "holds" on any fish mentioned in this post. All fish are sold at a first-come first-served basis.

As a reminder, if you have any questions on these or other questions related to the store, please email us and do not reach out via PM.


Frogs, Shrimp, and Snails

African Dwarf Frogs

Leucistic African Dwarf Frogs

Small Amano Shrimp

Cherry Neo. Shrimp

Orange Neo. Shrimp

Red Rili Neo. Shrimp

Blue Velvet Neo. Shrimp

Asst. Nerite Snails 

Asst. Mystery Snails 

Bamboo Shrimp

Blue Wood Shrimp


Asst. Halfmoon Males

Asst. Crowntail Males

Asst. Plakat Males


Apisto. Macmasteri "Red Neck"

German Blue Rams (Locally Bred by Christine)

Gold Rams (Locally Bred by Christine)

Corydoras and Other Catfish

Panda Cories

Pygmy Cories

Albino Cories

Bronze Cories

Orange Laser Cories


Common Otocinclus

L264 Grey Leporacanthicus Pleco

L080 Spiny Pleco


Kuhli Loaches

Reticulated Hillstream Loaches

Dwarf Chain Loaches


Neon Tetras

Green Neon Tetras

Cardinal Tetras

Rummynose Tetras

Ember Tetras

Red & Blue Columbian Tetras

Congo Tetras

Eques Pencilfish

Diamond Tetras


Cherry Barbs

Odessa Barbs


Celestial Pearl Danios

Leopard Danios


Chili Rasboras

Exclamation Point Rasboras

Emerald Eye Rasboras

Rasbora Hets/Harlequin Rasboras

Other Cyprinids

Siamese Algae Eaters



Sunset Honey Gouramis


Asst. Fancy Guppies (Locally Bred)

Asst. Endlers (Locally Bred)

Assorted Platies

Assorted Mollies (Locally Bred)



Florida Flagfish




Senegal Bichir

Albino Senegal Bichir

Dorsal-Banded Whales (Petrocephalus simus)

Orange Spotted Eel

Elephant Nose

Pea Puffers

Amazon/South American Puffers



1. Dorsal-banded whales

2. Eques pencilfish

3. Amazon puffers

4. Apisto. macmasteri

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The Amazon/South American puffers... are they the same or is that two different types of puffers? It's also plural, does that mean you have more than one Amazon Puffer available? I know you don't hold fish, But I'm two hours away and would be happy to drive down to the shop for an Amazon Puffer. Just trying to guage my chances of there being one when I get there. I can call Monday before heading down.

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On 2/24/2023 at 9:05 PM, Xplanes said:

The Amazon/South American puffers... are they the same or is that two different types of puffers? It's also plural, does that mean you have more than one Amazon Puffer available? I know you don't hold fish, But I'm two hours away and would be happy to drive down to the shop for an Amazon Puffer. Just trying to guage my chances of there being one when I get there. I can call Monday before heading down.

Hi there, 

Yes, they are the same puffer, and the name just depends on the labeling by the wholesaler. Also, yes, we got multiples of them. I just moved them out of quarantine today. 

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