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Noob Stocking Questions


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I'm thinking a bit far ahead since I don't even have plants or water in the tank yet, but I have a couple questions about stocking as I start to look forward to it more & more. 

1) It's my understanding that stocking only a few fish at a time is best practice. So what do you do with schooling fish? I plan on platinum medakas and it's generally recommended to have a minimum of 6, do I get 3 at a time? 
2) At what point in the stocking process do you add your cleanup crew? 
3) In addition to the Medaka, I have been wanting CPD's, but I'm on the fence about the cleanup crew. I'll definitely have at least 1 ramshorn snail & probably a nerite (or 2?), Pygmy Corys have been strongly recommended and after seeing a video where they were shoaling with the other fish in a community tank, they are on my list as a possibility. I was also considering Otocinclus, and I haven't discounted shrimp. The PH in my tap water, which is sourced from our well, is generally 8.2 and I have been trying to keep my selections to fish that are likely to be ok with the high ph and who also do well with lower water temperatures (I'd love to have something for cleanup that can go outdoors into a minipond with the medaka in the summer). 

You've all given me great advice so far, so I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts. 

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Good on you for planning things early on. Hard to say specifically without tank size, parameters, etc.

But in general adding 6 rice fish at a time would be fine. I would start with some plants, let them settle in then add the rice fish. Give the tank a couple months before you start adding “clean up” crew. They will need some stuff to clean up after all.

Pygmy Cory’s would be a nice addition but since you’re gonna be feeding them separately I wouldnt consider them much for clean up. Snails will likely appear after the plants go in (and that’s totally fine). Even shrimp will likely be a good addition but again, that would be after the tank is well established. 

What size tank are you planning? 

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I'm sorry, I can't believe I left the tank size out. It's a 14 gallon Aqueon Cube I got for Christmas. Plants are going in as soon as I receive the rest of my plants, some are coming from my Godson and some are en-route from AC. My sponge filter has been in my Godson's tank for about a month, but Friday I picked up a used 20 gallon tank from a closing LFS that came with a well-established sponge, so I'm going to use that filter for this tank, then use the one my Godson is keeping in his tank for me when I'm ready to set up the 20 gallon (which I don't even have a stand for yet, so it'll be awhile). I started the scape last week - which is the thumbnail I posted, but I've been holding off on adding the plants until I can add get those last few plants. I have the rest here already between dividing plants from my existing water gardens and some plants I have in an emersed setup. 

No water parameters to share yet since there's no water in the tank yet, but we're on a well here with soft water that has a high ph. It tests 0 on ammonia, nitrite & nitrate, 8.2 PH. I'm hoping to start adding fish in April. 

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On 2/19/2023 at 5:08 PM, CJhilljack said:

I'm thinking a bit far ahead since I don't even have plants or water in the tank yet, but I have a couple questions about stocking as I start to look forward to it more & more. 

1) It's my understanding that stocking only a few fish at a time is best practice. So what do you do with schooling fish? I plan on platinum medakas and it's generally recommended to have a minimum of 6, do I get 3 at a time? 
2) At what point in the stocking process do you add your cleanup crew? 
3) In addition to the Medaka, I have been wanting CPD's, but I'm on the fence about the cleanup crew. I'll definitely have at least 1 ramshorn snail & probably a nerite (or 2?), Pygmy Corys have been strongly recommended and after seeing a video where they were shoaling with the other fish in a community tank, they are on my list as a possibility. I was also considering Otocinclus, and I haven't discounted shrimp. The PH in my tap water, which is sourced from our well, is generally 8.2 and I have been trying to keep my selections to fish that are likely to be ok with the high ph and who also do well with lower water temperatures (I'd love to have something for cleanup that can go outdoors into a minipond with the medaka in the summer). 

You've all given me great advice so far, so I'm looking forward to hearing 

Adding all 6 rice fish at the same time is the way to go imo. Less opportunities to introduce disease. Its not like 6 rice fish have a crazy bioload anyway.

I would wait until your first algae bloom to add the snails. Cories can be a little sensitive so i would wait til the rank is well established to add them. Shrimp also like a well established tank as well. I would be hesitant to add both a nerite and otos, since theyll be competing for the same food.

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On 2/19/2023 at 4:18 PM, mynameisnobody said:

Do you have somewhere for the extra fry?

I do not, yet, but my 14 gal isn't even set up yet, then needs to cycle so I'm thinking April at the earliest, then hoping that by the time they are ready to reproduce I'll have a mini-pond set up for the summer and I'll either move the adults outside or put the floating plants with the eggs in them in the minipond & let the fry live start out there. I also do have plans to eventually set up the 20 gallon I picked up Friday - once I can find a stand for it, so one way or another, I'll have something for them. 



On 2/19/2023 at 5:20 PM, knee said:

I would check the KH because if it's super low then you're more susceptible to ph swings.

Thanks for this tip. I just ordered the GH & KH kit from AC, it's coming with my plants. 



On 2/19/2023 at 6:44 PM, Scapexghost said:

Adding all 6 rice fish at the same time is the way to go imo. Less opportunities to introduce disease. Its not like 6 rice fish have a crazy bioload anyway.

I would wait until your first algae bloom to add the snails. Cories can be a little sensitive so i would wait til the rank is well established to add them. Shrimp also like a well established tank as well. I would be hesitant to add both a nerite and otos, since theyll be competing for the same food.

Thank you! All great tips. I will either have Cories or Otos or shrimp, not all 3. I tried shrimp in my 2 gallon water garden and they all died, so I'm a bit wary of going with shrimp again. I hadn't thought about the otos and nerites competing, great point. 

Also, if Pygmy Cories aren't going to be good for cleanup, I likely won't get them. I'd rather have the tank space for the otos or whatever I go with.

What do you all think about Kuhli Loaches? We had them when I was a kid and I always thought they were pretty cool. I read up on them earlier today & it seems like they'd be ok with the other fish and have similar parameter needs. They might need to go on the list. 

Thanks for all the feedback everyone!

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On 2/19/2023 at 9:23 PM, CJhilljack said:

I do not, yet, but my 14 gal isn't even set up yet, then needs to cycle so I'm thinking April at the earliest, then hoping that by the time they are ready to reproduce I'll have a mini-pond set up for the summer and I'll either move the adults outside or put the floating plants with the eggs in them in the minipond & let the fry live start out there. I also do have plans to eventually set up the 20 gallon I picked up Friday - once I can find a stand for it, so one way or another, I'll have something for them. 



Thanks for this tip. I just ordered the GH & KH kit from AC, it's coming with my plants. 



Thank you! All great tips. I will either have Cories or Otos or shrimp, not all 3. I tried shrimp in my 2 gallon water garden and they all died, so I'm a bit wary of going with shrimp again. I hadn't thought about the otos and nerites competing, great point. 

Also, if Pygmy Cories aren't going to be good for cleanup, I likely won't get them. I'd rather have the tank space for the otos or whatever I go with.

What do you all think about Kuhli Loaches? We had them when I was a kid and I always thought they were pretty cool. I read up on them earlier today & it seems like they'd be ok with the other fish and have similar parameter needs. They might need to go on the list. 

Thanks for all the feedback everyone!

Cories and loaches stur up sand, which is good for clean up. Theyll also eat the food that lands on the bottom, which the rice fish may not. Nerites are way easier than ottos, so if you are getting them to make care easier, go nerite. Unless your tank is huge youll only need one.

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On 2/19/2023 at 7:22 PM, Schuyler said:

What sort of climate are you in?

I'm actually in the greater Seattle area, just a little over an hours drive from the Aquarium Coop store in Lynnwood. I live at a higher elevation though - so anywhere from 3-5 degrees cooler than Seattle on any given day. Thanks for the video links, I've been meaning to watch those videos. Ryo Watanabe has some great videos about miniponds that I have watched a lot of but having Cory's input with be great since we live in the same climate.

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On 2/19/2023 at 7:27 PM, CJhilljack said:

I'm actually in the greater Seattle area, just a little over an hours drive from the Aquarium Coop store in Lynnwood. 

Oh nice! Me too but I'm probably an hour the other direction. The secret history living in your aquarium is from the same area and he has subs mini pond videos too.

I've been looking into setting one up too. At least for the spring/summer months.

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On 2/19/2023 at 7:54 PM, Schuyler said:

The secret history living in your aquarium is from the same area and he has subs mini pond videos too.

I have watched some of his videos, but not about ponds. I didn't realize he was a local, but when I mentioned what you said, my Godson said he's run into him at another local fs. Cool. I'm on the south end of King County in the foothills. 

On 2/19/2023 at 7:23 PM, CJhilljack said:

I would check the KH because if it's super low then you're more susceptible to ph swings.

I finally got my GH & KH test (plus my new plants) today so I ran tests. I tested both, plus re-tested high ph. The KH is 13, Gh 2 (no surprise, I knew we had soft water) and the PH is 8.4 today. I noticed Cory has mentioned soft tap water at the store too and that they use crushed coral in their store tanks, but that it also increases PH & KH - clearly not the path for me. Is there a way to increase only calcium & magnesium?

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On 2/21/2023 at 4:15 PM, CJhilljack said:

I finally got my GH & KH test (plus my new plants) today so I ran tests. I tested both, plus re-tested high ph. The KH is 13, Gh 2 (no surprise, I knew we had soft water) and the PH is 8.4 today. I noticed Cory has mentioned soft tap water at the store too and that they use crushed coral in their store tanks, but that it also increases PH & KH - clearly not the path for me. Is there a way to increase only calcium & magnesium?

I believe seachem equilibrium raises GH but I can’t speak much on it because I don’t use it. I do know some members on here use it so hopefully they can chime in. 

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On 2/21/2023 at 4:23 PM, knee said:

I believe seachem equilibrium raises GH but I can’t speak much on it because I don’t use it. I do know some members on here use it so hopefully they can chime in.

Thank you! I actually just finished watching a video about this from Girl Talks Fish - I knew she & I had similar chemistry in our tap water and sure enough Seachem Equilibrium is what she uses to raise her GH. Thank you so much for the help!

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Wish I could help you on the Medakas, but I've never kept them.  But I do have a small school of Harlequin Rasboras (6) and Neon Tetras (5), and I've been able to work with the whole group no problem.  I think when they say add a little at a time, they mean don't buy every single fish you want and plop them in.  Buy a few, let them thrive (preferably quarantine them first), then when all looks good you buy the next batch.  Over time, you'll have the tank stocked up nice!

As far as clean-up crew, save them for the end!  I made the mistake of buying some Corys when I had started the tank with some Dalmatian Mollies in it to kickstart the nitrogen cycle, and the poor things died on me.  They're very sensitive to water parameters, so it's best to let the tank stabilize before you add them.  Last fish I bought for my 20 gallon were some Bristlenose Plecos and Peppered Corys, and they're all alive and healthy!

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