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Sponge Filter Only Tanks


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I'm setting up a 55 gallon tank and I want to use just sponge filters for filtration.  I was originally planning to run two medium ACO sponge filters (one on each side), but I was wondering if one large one on one side would be enough (for filtration, flow, ect.)

This got me thinking.  I'd love to hear what all of you would run if you wanted to do only sponge filters for the various tank sizes: 10, 20, 29, 55.  I know that the amount of fish, live vs fake plants, and so on all come into play.  But, I am curious if you were setting up a tank for yourself, what size filter would you use for the different tank sizes?  How many of that size?

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I have two 20 highs with one coop medium sponge filter in each. They both have a bunch of juvenile mollies and juvenile mystery snails.  They each have two small crypts, an octopus plant , val and java moss

I have a ten gallon that uses a small homemade sponge filter. I've kept differnt fish in here before but now I recently started keeping shrimp in. This tank has a scarlet temple, Ammannia gracilis, and monte carlo


If I was going to set up another tank I'd like to do a 55 with one medium sponge filter and a ton of plants with tetras. I have a couple penguin tetras in another tank ,I would love to have a bunch of them. 


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I personally am not a fan of the large sponge as I find it hard to get into a bag without fluffing a bunch of mulm off into the water column. For that reason, I would personally use 2 mediums. 

For tanks 10 gallons and smaller I use just a small sponge filter. For 20 and up I like a sponge filter on one side and a HOB on the opposite side. I like that I always have air via the sponge, multiple water circulation points, and I can alternate cleaning filters without worrying about breaking the seasoning on the tanks. 

Edited by AllFishNoBrakes
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On 2/17/2023 at 2:14 PM, AllFishNoBrakes said:

I personally am not a fan of the large sponge and I find it hard to get into a bag without fluffing a bunch of mulm off into the water column. For that reason, I would personally use 2 mediums. 



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