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Here's a tip for getting food to bottom feeders


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I'm not sure if this idea is already well known or not, but I am going to share it anyway. If you have fast, voraciously eating mid-water fish like I do, and you have to try to get those pellets or wafers down to your bottom feeders without your other fish gobbling them up on the way down, this may really come in handy. It sure has for me lol. Rather than risking overfeeding or having to distract the other fish or take the time to do who knows what, this has saved me a ton of time and energy, and has allowed me to stop worrying if my bottom feeders are getting enough food or not. What you do is you order/buy a small acrylic or pvc tube roughly slightly taller than your aquarium. I ordered an acrylic tube about an inch in diameter (although it doesnt really matter as long as your food fits down the tube). Im also really glad I got clear because I prefer to see the food fall and its fun to watch my other fish try to eat it and get blocked by the plastic. Now what I do is I just stick the tube in the tank to where the top sticks above the water but the bottom rests on my substrate. Then its just as simple as it sounds! Just drop a few pellets in and theyll be at the bottom safely for your bottom feeders to find. I will also add that I first saw this on another post from a while ago. I am not trying to take credit for the idea but merely trying to pass it along.

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