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Orange tum appreciation post.


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There are few things on this blue and green marble that bring my brain more serotonin than little orange fry bellies floating around in bliss.

I figured surely others felt the same and so please share your fry tums here! I know I can always use an extra dose of cute!

On my end at the moment: just a little group of Cacatuoides Apistos checking out the new random sponge.



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On 12/16/2022 at 10:52 PM, Schuyler said:

They're so round! Definitely would have expected them to be longer. They do look fast and happy though


I feel like they're a bit like human babies in that they grow round... then shoot off in length... then round... etc. They are in a round stage right now, lol!

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On 12/17/2022 at 9:34 PM, AllFishNoBrakes said:

Second day free swimming and first time eating baby brine shrimp. So many little orange bellies 


They're adorable! 😍  What kind of fry are they?

I also love the few who eat so much that they look so much fatter than the others. Yes, I'm looking at you... little fellow in the middle.

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@itsfoxtail it’s where I grow out the fish I hatch and raise to sell! I hatch in the 2.5 gallons that the fry above hatched in, then they’ll get moved to a 10 gallon for a while:


Then they get moved here!


The Platy’s are an awesome variant from some neon blue hi fins and a crazy black/yellow/iridescent female. They’re black with red/orange/yellow bellies/faces/finnage and have an awesome iridescence/sparkle across the black. I’ve never seen another Platy like them so they chill in here and do their thing. The Angels that get raised up prior to selling help keep the Platy population from exploding. The jungle of PSO was started from 2 individual cuttings and has just gone nuts. 


Edited by AllFishNoBrakes
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@itsfoxtail Nah, these came from my Marbled male and a Panda female. I had the Panda pair, then they broke and the female paired with my Marbled male. I let them spawn, and then I moved the now paired again Pandas by themselves to pair again, hence the Panda Angel spawn I’m currently raising. That Panda female is scandalous… lol. 

There’s 57 Angels currently raising up in there. The Marbled/Panda combo gave some interesting results. ~20 are all black/mostly black with some lighter areas in vertical bars from the Marbled gene, another 20 are like Pandas with some yellow, and then about 15 are Marbled/mixed/assorted. There’s a couple of those assorted that looks like “false” Altums that are cool, and then I’m keeping 2 from this spawn to replace the Pandas from their home tank that are like transparent throughout the body and face with black edges on the dorsal and ventral fins. I want to see what those guys look like grown out! They almost seem “Smokey”. 

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@AllFishNoBrakes You have a practical soap opera of angelfish right now! Who will be next? Do I see a mysterious ex from the past reappearing? 😂

That is so cool! The pandas with some yellow? Is that possibly where the koi line comes from? I have no knowledge of angel genetics but sounds like those would be on their way to a koi pattern. Ooh, the smokey ones sound cool! I need to hop on over to your journal so I can keep up with your stuff! I assume you have some more info on these guys in there.

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@itsfoxtail I appreciate the thought that you think I’m a master and actually understand these genetics; it’s more like “Hey! Fish are breeding; let’s see if I can hatch the eggs” and hope for the best. 

You may not be wrong on the genetics, but I’m not gonna act like I’m the expert and tell you yes. These are just the offspring from my random pair of Angels. 

-I have the next batch of Pandas raising up and that’s always exciting. 
-Tomorrow I take the 55 angels from the marbled/panda mix to the LFS. Keeping these Smokey guys:



Edited by AllFishNoBrakes
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On 12/23/2022 at 12:19 AM, AllFishNoBrakes said:

I appreciate the thought that you think I’m a master and actually understand these genetics; it’s more like “Hey! Fish are breeding; let’s see if I can hatch the eggs” and hope for the best. 

Shh, no one has to know! Besides, I think people with your attitude a lot of times do MUCH better than the pros out there.

On 12/23/2022 at 12:19 AM, AllFishNoBrakes said:

You may not be wrong on the genetics, but I’m not gonna act like I’m the expert and tell you yes. These are just the offspring from my random pair of Angels. 

-I have the next batch of Pandas raising up and that’s always exciting. 
-Tomorrow I take the 55 angels from the marbled/panda mix to the LFS. Keeping these Smokey guys:

Or perhaps pandas came from the koi. Chicken? Egg? Who knows. Not me.

Those smokey guys are beautiful! The arc of black from the eye up the dorsal is to die for! Reminds me of little boomerangs for some reason. 🤷‍♀️

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Lol, the 2 Smokey guys/gals are staying with me for the long haul. Gonna grow them out some more where they’re at before transitioning to the 55 Angel community. The other 55 Angels (they’re in the divided 55 gallon and I have 55 of them) have spent their time with me and will go to the shop. My journal will most definitely have pics and an update to go along with it!

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