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Livebearer Fry Feast Thanksgiving Holiday Poll (FUN QUESTION!)


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Hi all - Happy Thanksgiving.  I have a planted 20G long livebearer tank with a growing population of mollies, platies, and guppies, and fries all over the place.  I run the water harder at about 12dGH for the livebearers, ph 8-8.2, 25ish nitrates, 0 nitrite, 0 ammonia, and 75 temp.

We all know what will can happen in terms of population.  So what is everyone's vote for a population control fry eater for a 20G long tank?  My ideas so far, and opinion on each:

1) 1 female betta -  worry that she will kill the mature guppies

2) 1 juvenile angelfish - probably will get too big for a 20G long.

3) 2 gouramis - will they hunt the fries enough?

4) other options for a 20G long?


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On 11/23/2022 at 10:16 AM, TheSwissAquarist said:

1) Could work.

2) I agree.

3) Probably will hunt the fry down; but that’s population control for you!

4) African Dwarf Frogs, Apistogramma, GBRs, the possibilities are endless!


Maybe some rainbow fish too…


thanks, what kind of Rainbow is that?  I think my 8-8.2 ph is too high for the GBRs though.  Apistos hang at the bottom and my fry are on top always.  I am leaning towards the female betta or the gourami at this point.  Unless there is another dwarf cichlid that swims at the top level and likes hard water and high ph.

Edited by RichNJ
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I am recovering from a guppy population explosion.  I think I finally found homes for the last of the adult males.

I put a male betta in each of my female guppy tanks and removed every plant but one short sprig of water sprite, anything that floated, including every single leaf of duckweed. They didn't stop, but it slowed them down alot. I put substrate on the IAL to keep them from floating.

It doesn't matter what it is. if a fry can hide near it, it needs to come out.

I hated the way the tank looked, but I had hundreds of guppies by the time my mother past. Hardscape + Plants + Guppies = overpopulation.

P.S. The friend that took the last of the females Saturday called me tonight thrilled to see new born fry. I hope we stay friends.

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@RichNJ  I have A 55 loaded with bristlenose and endlers.  The bristlenose breed regularly.  Endlers worse.   I have 3 dwarf african frogs and almost perfect population control.  Never see or find bodies, and there are always babies, but not too many babies.  There are days my frogs are so fat I think they might explode, the rest of the time they are normal sized.  The fat seems to follow baby plecos coming out of the cave.
All that to say I love frogs for population control and they are truly fun to watch.

Good luck.

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