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Dumb breeder box question


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So, assuming happy fish, I could add a breeder box, a handful of java moss, an say, a couple CPDs and I should get babies, right? 

So, like, maybe a 10 gallon with something already in there. Then they could live in the box for a week?

All this and also make sure I've got appropriate food as well, of course.

Or is it only for holding eggs that you collected from mops or something?


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You could breed CPD’s in here, in theory. You would probably want to remove the adults after seeing spawning behavior or spotting eggs (I’ve never been able to). I usually see people raise fry in these breeder boxes. Depending on the number of CPDs you put in and what gender ratios, they can actually get quite feisty with each other and tear up fins, so imo, I would suggest just having a dedicated spawning tank for them. 

I’ve only bred CPD’s in a bowl pond. I put some spawning mops at the bottom. At the top, I had a floating pond basket and some floating plants. When the babies hatched, they swam into the pond basket and I just scooped them up with brine shrimp net into a rearing tank. 

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