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Blue-ish colored water


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could be a few things but I would register that as odd… first thought is possibly something leaching from decor or equipment, perhaps a paint or sealer or decoration itself? Could be something leaching from substrate if there is any, generally I associate blue water with medications, so if something was used in quarantine or meds were used in the room recently they could have gotten into the tank and stained the water, also I suppose it could be something in your water your using itself causing the blue color, if it’s tap oftentimes the facilities add diff chemicals at different times of year changing our water chemistry without much info. Could be something creating a blue look based on the lighting used or blue lighting… I’m sure it could be more things but this is what came to mind off the top of my head, hope this helps, perhaps a bit more info and we can dial in the exact cause…

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On 10/27/2022 at 12:48 AM, BryanM said:

When I water changed,my water had a blue-ish tint to it. What could this mean. 10g. 5 corys,female betta,3inch bristlenose. Amazon swords,rosette swords,java moss,anacharis and a little dwarf sag. PH 7.2 AM-0 NI-0 NA-40-60.

Did you use any dechlorinator?

Or water conditioner ?

Welcome to the forum btw!

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Do you by any chance have one of the water softeners that uses the cartridges instead of salt?  I'm asking because I have one, and after changing the cartridge once my water definitely had a bluish color.  I wasn't as cautious about it as I should have been and killed a bunch of shrimp and snails, and very nearly killed some plants.  It didn't seem to bother the fish.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/27/2022 at 12:17 PM, JettsPapa said:

Do you by any chance have one of the water softeners that uses the cartridges instead of salt?  I'm asking because I have one, and after changing the cartridge once my water definitely had a bluish color.  I wasn't as cautious about it as I should have been and killed a bunch of shrimp and snails, and very nearly killed some plants.  It didn't seem to bother the fish.

No,I dont

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