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20 gallon scape idea

SC Fish

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as of right now my 20 gallon (home to 4 platys and 7 neon tetras) is not exactly finished. i want more fish, more plants and more structure.. 


im thinking, 1 large rock in the center going to the top and out of the water. turn up the water current slightly in light time hours. will they swim around the rock? its not a circular tank its rectangle, but i recon it would work? 


(if not ill break the rock down and put pieces of the rock in the bottom)

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That sounds cool to me - just be careful if your tank has a lid and the rock is coming out of the water. 

One thing I like with centerpiece rocks is having smaller pieces of the same kind of rock around it. Kinda ties the room together and looks more natural. 

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On 10/11/2022 at 6:17 PM, MattyM said:

That sounds cool to me - just be careful if your tank has a lid and the rock is coming out of the water. 

One thing I like with centerpiece rocks is having smaller pieces of the same kind of rock around it. Kinda ties the room together and looks more natural. 

i didnt mention it but it was in the plan 🙂


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