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Growth on head


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I’ve owned guppies for years and never seen that, could be a number of things but it strangely resembles an issue an Apisto of mine had. I treated it for hole in the head (without ever knowing if that was the case) and she got better however idk if this is the same. I would probably treat her in a seperate  container with meds for infection, fungus and parasites, monitor her for a week or so, and feed live foods. I used a pellet food called lapacho to help treat the Apisto however again this might be a different scenario it just looks identical. Could be a minor abrasion from flashing or fighting, judging by her size she’s probably going to be giving birth soon so alternative course is to wait but if it were me I would probably just monitor and minor treat her to be sure, hope something in this helps…

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She is very ready to pop, so I was reluctant to pull her out and end up losing the babies but I think I'm going to drop her in some quarantine tanks that i have going right now and see what ends up happening. If it is hole in the head that would be very strange. I forgot to include a side picture but it looks like the bulge is coming up from under her scales and it's almost like a bubble of white. ill try and post a side picture when i catch her out today and post it. 

Thanks for the reply though!!! 


will update after a week 

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