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A Good Dwarf Gourami Breeder/Seller


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I kept a Dwarf Gourami not too long ago that died of DGD/iridovirus. From what i've heard, it seems since they are heavily inbred to produce Those bright red and blue colors, they have health issues/ more susceptibility to diseases. I got mine from an LFS. Maybe Aquabid might have a good breeder, and you might be able to find some good fish on there (Idk for certain though). I read that DGD is causing problems in Asian Fish farms.

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Yeah i had 3 dwarf gouramis and 2 so far have died from it. Currently my neon blue is sick with something i'm not sure what, it made him not eat for a week but hes eating now with garlic guard doused fish flakes. They are beautiful interactive fish which i why i was wondering if any on here knew a good breeder. Because bad breeding seems to be the reason they get DGD. I'll try googling some options
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