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Platy Keeping Tips

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I call myself Theplatymaster for a reason, i have a lot of experience with platies, so here are some tips about them that not everyone knows and can make a big difference:

1: I didn't see this anywhere so i made this mistake, keep 1platy male or 3+, i kept 2, they fought

2: Feed them veggies, I had a period when my platies were fed just on tetra colour flake than i introduced some Brazilian Pennywort and they demolished it

3: Make sure everyone else gets food. Not really to platies, but platies will swarm food, make sure your other fish can get food.

4:THEY BREED ALOT!!Be Prepared: I have way to many platies right now because of my platies breeding

5:This isnt really a tip, but observe your platies, they have diffirent personalaties its fun to recognize them by their behaviours

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Thank you for this. My experience:

I have 2 males together RN, no females. I have no trouble with them. But other times it has been a disaster to keep 2 males together.

My platies love veggies!

Yep. Platies go CRAZY over food. 

I totally feel ya. I have dozens of platies RN.

It's super fun bcause each of my platies have a different personality! 

Edited by FishPlanet
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I’ve noticed my male platies in the males-only tank do a good impersonation of “schooling”by following each other in a line or slow-motion chasing each other. The females never engage in this but the boys do. There are certain guys that are always together,too. Wherever my sunburst male is, the red hi-fin platy is usually alongside. There are three orange tux guys always in a line with one blue tux guy. I like the idea that they have buddies and it makes me careful about not separating them casually. When I wanted to breed my hi-fin I put him in the Ziss fry box with a female overnight but returned him to his sunburst buddy asap to avoid stressing them.

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On 6/7/2022 at 4:21 PM, Theplatymaster said:

I call myself Theplatymaster for a reason, i have a lot of experience with platies, so here are some tips about them that not everyone knows and can make a big difference:

1: I didn't see this anywhere so i made this mistake, keep 1platy male or 3+, i kept 2, they fought

2: Feed them veggies, I had a period when my platies were fed just on tetra colour flake than i introduced some Brazilian Pennywort and they demolished it

3: Make sure everyone else gets food. Not really to platies, but platies will swarm food, make sure your other fish can get food.

4:THEY BREED ALOT!!Be Prepared: I have way to many platies right now because of my platies breeding

5:This isnt really a tip, but observe your platies, they have diffirent personalaties its fun to recognize them by their behaviours

I had six Plates in a 10G - 3 and 3... 1 male and 1 female didn't make it - so I'm down to 2 and 2. Low and behold a month or so goes by and there's at least 5 or so babies (maybe more...).  

I'm thinking it's time to restart the 20L and move everyone - whats your advice.



Edited by GeorgeJ
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On 6/8/2022 at 10:42 AM, GeorgeJ said:

I had six Plates in a 10G - 3 and 3... 1 male and 1 female didn't make it - so I'm down to 2 and 2. Low and behold a month or so goes by and there's at least 5 or so babies (maybe more...).  

I'm thinking it's time to restart the 20L and mover everyone - whats your advice.



you probably want to upgrade your tank size on that

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Love my platies. Just bought a male and a female hi-fin last night to complete my "school" of 4 females and 2 males. They are so charismatic and personable I've decided the tank doesn't even need a centerpiece fish. You're totally right though, they always get to the food first and eat so much lol.

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