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Is This Cyanobacteria? (Update: Yes!)

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On 5/3/2022 at 4:37 PM, Widgets said:

@Jawjagrrl @AndreaW

I had learned about UltraLife Blue-Green Slime Stain Remover from another source. After I used it successfully, I saw the Amazon review about the calcium and magnesium salts. I saw no I'll effects from using it, but was hesitant to suggest it, preferring to let you research and decide which route to take. The article that I linked mentioned a few approaches.


@Widgets ~ Thank you. I did find the links you suggested very helpful. :classic_smile: I just couldn't remember where I had seen it with all the research I was doing. I'm fine with the Erythromycin (at least currently) and I know it will probably affect my BB, but so far everything is looking really good and there is no trace of BGA in my tank. Inhabitants seem happy, and I think my Java is enjoying more light now the floaters are gone.

I did see some reviews where people said they had to do multiple doses and that makes me nervous, especially if it has that high a calcium/magnesium content. On the other hand, I've heard of some people having BGA come back after using Erythromycin and having to dose again there, so...? Who knows? 

My biggest concern is my tank inhabitants. I've gotten quite attached to my Betta and the Nerites. I can deal with re-establishing my BB in this tank with the low bio-load; it has been pretty easy. I think antibiotics have their place if used sparingly and properly. It's been over 10 years since I've had to use any medicines in my tanks, so it did make me a bit nervous. I added a tiny bit (maybe 1/10 the packet) and watched for an hour and kept gradually adding more until it was a half dose. Then added the next half the next day. Probably silly, but I had a hard time finding information about antibiotics affect on snails.

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On 5/3/2022 at 6:37 PM, Widgets said:

I had learned about UltraLife Blue-Green Slime Stain Remover from another source. After I used it successfully, I saw the Amazon review about the calcium and magnesium salts. I saw no I'll effects from using it, but was hesitant to suggest it, preferring to let you research and decide which route to take. The article that I linked mentioned a few approaches.

This approach made the most sense to me and was worth a try once I was sure there was no copper to potentially leach into the seals permanently. My worst case was a crashed cycle and the loss of a few pest snails. Thankfully it worked brilliantly for me and made it possible to keep my maracyn for my fish. And not risk damaging new plants with poorly executed peroxide application.

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ULBGSsR worked for me as well. I got it from lfs. I only had to treat the tank once so I've got about five treatments left. Since I have so much gravel and stone in the 55 I treated for 45 gal.

I don't know enough to recommend it over Erythromycin. The spooky part is that they don't tell us what's in it.

Edited by isaly
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  • 3 weeks later...

I dosed the Erythromycin on 4/28 and the cyanobacteria went away, and I started growing hair algae again. Now the hair algae is growing some suspicious bubbles. I pulled some out the other day and smelled the familiar smell. :classic_dry:


I ordered some ULBGSsR from Amazon and it should come Wednesday.

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