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Hairy green algae on glass and some plants?

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Noticed that some of my plants looked "fuzzy" and on closer inspection it looks like a fuzzy green algae of sorts?  Looks too short for hair algae but not in spots like green spot.  Does not affect my swords, sprite, wisteria, or any of the plants with red color.  At least not yet.







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Ah!  Okay, this makes sense-- it's a heavily planted tank witjout CO2 and gets more light than it should (it's at my office and I don't use a timer, I just have the light on while I'm there and often work 10 hr days.)  I also started dosing the co-ops liquid fertilizer about 2 weeks ago because my nitrates were holding steady at 0.  The tank has been setup for a good 6 months  so not new, but not old either.  I have 5 nerites, about 15-20 cherry shrimp, and a number of MTS for algae control.

Suggestions?  I did just add 2 platys and 3 endlers to the bioload yesterday, if that makes any difference.


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My biggest suggestion would be to get a timer!  I'd set it on 6-8 hours and observe the tank. You seem to have a good cleanup crew. Keep your nitrates at 10 minimum. 

A bubbler at least at night would be a good idea too

Edited by JoeQ
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